What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The aim of this study is to understand how the beliefs of commercial drivers influence their safety behaviours using the health belief model. The study specifically aims at commercial drivers as they convey people across the country precisely within Accra Metropolis.  The study adopted a quantitative research approach to aid the research team achieve the objectives of the study. A self-designed structured questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument to collect the data needed. The study sampled two hundred (200) different commercial drivers across.

The aim of this study is to understand how the beliefs of commercial drivers influence their safety behaviours using the health belief model. Pursuant to this general objective, the study set the following specific objectives:

  1. To examine the health belief of commercial drivers in Greater Accra.
  2. To determine the effect of perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, cues to action and self-efficacy on safety behaviours among commercial drivers in Greater Accra.
  3. To ascertain the relative influence of these factors on commercial drivers’ safety behaviours.


Road safety and risk behaviour

Type of this activity

Estimated impact & ways of measuring

development of the project was estimated about $1000 US Dollars

Resources (personnel, budget, etc.)

I personally finance the project.

Your knowledge

I would like to thank Motor Traffic and Transport Directorate at the Statistics Research and Training and National Road Safety Commission. The decision to continue my education at such an outstanding institution is one of the best I have ever made. In particular, we would like to thank DSP Alexandra Kweku Obeng for his guidance and insights throughout our research efforts.

Geographical scope of the activities

I offer to be an ERSC mentor, sharing my experiences with other members



Eventual partnerships in your commitment

It is highly recommended on the part of the commercial drivers to apply the driving principles they have acquired during their training. It seems they are aware of the threats of careless driving but sometimes they are negligent. It is also recommended that the law enforcing agencies like the police must check thoroughly keep in check drivers who do not obey road safety measures.

For this reason it is very important that building partnership with other relevant personnel to share common acknowledge so far road safety is concerned.