Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety.

Helmets, seatbelts, and child restraint systems are all examples of protective equipment whose effectiveness has been widely demonstrated. Although they are considered to be passive or secondary safety devices because they do not help to prevent crashes, they can nevertheless prevent deaths and…

We explore the innovative approach that our member, RSA Ireland has used to engage with audiences and improve the uptake of seat belt use in Ireland. Watch the video here Learn more about running effective communications campaigns here

Recording of our webinar delivered on 4 December 2024Effective marketing campaigns are vital in promoting safety equipment on the road. They can raise awareness, change attitudes, and ultimately encourage behavioural change among different types of road users. In this webinar, we examine best…

Congratulations to Platforma VIZE 0 from Czech Republic, who were selected by our award ceremony audience as the People's Choice winner for their awareness campaign about aggressive drivers. Due to aggressive driving, drivers often face dangerous road situations. Nearly 60% of drivers under 30…

Recording of the live stream of the Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2024, which took place in Brussels on 14 November 2024. For more information on our annual awards and to learn how to apply next year then click here