Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety.

Road safety, gender, and mobility systems are in the spotlight of scholarly pursuits and policy agendas that promote sustainable and inclusive cities worldwide. At the Habitat III Conference held in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016, governments established a new urban agenda (NUA) including…

Micromobility is changing how some people move around the city, bringing along new and urgent challenges such as operational issues relating to safety, use of public space, traffic management and others, for local and regional authorities, urban planners and national decision-makers.

The study “Roadmap for the improvement of road safety in motorbikes and mopeds”, launched earlier this month, looked at data from 240 fatal collisions as well as data from collisions that led to 7,000 injuries. The data source was collision data from the MAPFRE insurance company who are the…

The ERSCharter webinar on e-scooters was held on the 22 of October 2019.
It was the sixth and last webinar of the 2016-2019 charter edition.
Martin Lefrancq smart mobility coordinator at Bruxelles Mobilité (Brussels Transport Administration) started the webinar with a presentation of the…

This document provides guidance on a specific topic related to Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP). It is based on the concept of SUMP, as outlined by the European Commission’s Urban Mobility Package2 and described in detail in the European SUMP Guidelines (second edition)3. Sustainable…