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Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety. 


With the rapidly changing demographic structure in the EU due to reducing birth rates and increasing life expectancies, the mobility needs of the elderly are also changing. These demographic changes are of growing concern to mobility and road safety especially since recent data show an…
Cyclists suffer a disproportionate share of serious injuries and fatalities, and indeed in recent years that disadvantage has been growing. At the same time they often are not treated equally by traffic systems (e.g. traffic signals frequently fail to register their approach or presence). The…
Find out more about who we are and what we hope to achieve here at the European Road Safety Charter with our refreshed brochure. 
Road safety, gender, and mobility systems are in the spotlight of scholarly pursuits and policy agendas that promote sustainable and inclusive cities worldwide. At the Habitat III Conference held in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016, governments established a new urban agenda (NUA) including…
Micromobility is changing how some people move around the city, bringing along new and urgent challenges such as operational issues relating to safety, use of public space, traffic management and others, for local and regional authorities, urban planners and national decision-makers.