Policy makers

We’re addressing multiple road safety problems:`

- Improving the work safety of road inspectors by reducing time being physically in the middle of the road and reducing multitasking while driving.
- Improving road safety for cars, motorcycles and bicyclist by reducing potholes and defect road inventory such as faded road signs, damaged bollards, etc.
- Improving road safety for pedestrians by mapping crosswalks with worn-out lane markings as well as pavement uplift that causes people to fall.

Image examples can be found attached
The Mobilidata program addresses the lack of centralized, timely and qualitative real time traffic warnings in the G2B2C ecosystem.

To fulfil the need of road users to receive and be able to cooperate with (return) real time traffic warnings, Mobilidata implemented for the entire Flanders- region and on the entire public road network the European defined C-ROADS standardized Cooperation model of C-ITS or Cooperative ITS. In Mobilidata 31 different use cases are addressed – see overview of all use cases under 7.2 -images

Mobilidata is the Flanders hub where real time road safety related information comes together from these sources:
• Governmental regional and local level: e.g. roadside infrastructure like traffic controllers, variable message signs,
• Private/corporate level: e.g. Directive 2010/40/EU, EU specified SRTI (safety related traffic information) - vehicle sensor based real time warnings.
• Road user ‘community’ based: Events reported, and event feedback generated by road users.

Each of these 3 source information systems has its strengths and weaknesses, offering a neutral environment where they can be combined and distributed to all interested in a non-commercial setting is possible in a road-safety promoting context.

Road safety information in Mobilidata can be clustered in 3 subgroups per topic in the 29 on-street use case list + an extra subgroup of 2 off-street policy related use cases:
• Road regulation & policies
• Warnings / dangerous situations
• Connected infrastructure / traffic lights
We are solving the two main unsettled topics in Camera and LiDAR Systems and human vision in traffic situations. The internally developed Visibility Label, featuring a new universally applicable reference color, addresses the first topic, which is the lack of a universal method for quantifying the visibility of complex shapes such as cars, bikes, and busses. Crystal Glass Pigments provide a solution for the second unresolved issue, focusing on improving the functionality (i.e. visibility) of coatings on vehicles. By formulating new colors with this innovative additive, the coatings become significantly better visible for camera systems, human vision at night, and LiDAR systems 24/7.
7 October 2024 09:00 – 10 October 2024 17:00

E-scooters - New TV led E-Scooter campaign

Our new TV led E-scooter campaign aims to raise awareness of the new e-scooter laws.

The campaign went live from Monday 20 May 2024 to coincide with the enactment of the new legislation in Ireland.  

The campaign is set in an office environment where we see colleagues welcome the newbie.  The colleagues are dressed up as various characters such as a car, bus, truck, motorbike and bicycle and the newbie E-scooter. We see the characters interact with each other while highlighting six of the rules of the road that apply to E-scooter use.

19 June 2024 12:00 – 16:00
Norway House
DEKRA Italia, as a leading road safety company, faces several challenges and problems to raise awareness of the issue and reduce the number of accidents and deaths. One of the main ones is the increasing presence of driving distractions, such as cell phone use or lack of attention to the road due to fatigue or stress.
Our daily commitment is to raise awareness about the consequences of these bad habits and to promote responsible driving behavior.

In Italy in particular in the last year, there is a high number of road accidents especially among the younger generations: in this sense, our Mission is to raise awareness on proper road education among the youngest, but also aiming to include all age groups in order to change their cultural asset, values and habits in order to support the growth of a generation of future drivers inspired by safety and sustainability. By 'playing' from an early age with road safety and proactively exercising young people on the golden rules of safe driving, we are sure to contribute to future drivers being ready for the challenges on safety and sustainability of the cities of the future, between micro- and macro-mobility.
In the vision of becoming a cycling-friendly city, the City of Skopje invests massively in new and renovated cycling paths. Only last year, 40 kilometers of cycling paths in the city were opened, but due to a lack of expertise, they are with many flaws. As a result, the main focus of the project proposal is to increase the safety of bike commuters by providing independent assessments of the safety and quality of cycling infrastructure using the CycleRAP methodology. This is important for mobility planners and decision makers to understand the cycling infrastructure safety and develop investment plans that are evidence-based. In cooperation with the Factual, accredited partner and Advisory Board member of CycleRAP, we will not only provide safety assessment of the cycling infrastructure based on the CycleRAP methodology, but we will also provide evidence – based recommendations for increasing the safety of the cycling paths, while providing capacity building at the same time.
17 October 2024 08:00 – 18 October 2024 17:00
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