Children 0-16

More than 6000 children up to the age of 14 died between 2011 and 2020 in road collisions in the European Union. In 2023 there were 1,778 road crashes involving children in Poland
aged 0-14: 48 ​​children died and 1,832 were injured. About 45.7% of all road crashes victims in Poland are vulnerable
road traffic users. Many of them involve children in rural areas.
17 September 2024 08:30 – 11:00
DEKRA Italia, as a leading road safety company, faces several challenges and problems to raise awareness of the issue and reduce the number of accidents and deaths. One of the main ones is the increasing presence of driving distractions, such as cell phone use or lack of attention to the road due to fatigue or stress.
Our daily commitment is to raise awareness about the consequences of these bad habits and to promote responsible driving behavior.

In Italy in particular in the last year, there is a high number of road accidents especially among the younger generations: in this sense, our Mission is to raise awareness on proper road education among the youngest, but also aiming to include all age groups in order to change their cultural asset, values and habits in order to support the growth of a generation of future drivers inspired by safety and sustainability. By 'playing' from an early age with road safety and proactively exercising young people on the golden rules of safe driving, we are sure to contribute to future drivers being ready for the challenges on safety and sustainability of the cities of the future, between micro- and macro-mobility.

30th National Competition “Safe in Traffic”

The national competition “Safe in Traffic” was held in Pula, Croatia from the 21st until the 23rd of May. During the 30th consecutive competition the fifth- and sixth-grade students showed their knowledge of traffic regulations and rules, as well as their cycling skills.

"Jump into the cab"

The Danish Transport and Logistics Association has developed a brand-new road safety campaign together with several commercial partners. The goal for the campaign is to get young people to pay more attention to trucks and to their own behavior in traffic.The framework for the campaign is a series of short film messages for young people between the ages of 13-16, which can make visible the power and challenges of lorries in traffic. A video series of five episodes has been produced for social media. The partners are currently working on a development of the campaign.
Awareness actions to promote safer roads and sustainable mobility. Transforming our concept of mobility from a mobility based in fuel consumption transportation to a green and ecological mobility.
Awareness actions for all 17 2030 goals, particularly for the goal 3 (good health and wellbeing), 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and 13 (climate actions). These goals will help to reduce the number of car crashes and victims.
10 July 2024 09:00 – 26 July 2024 15:00
Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France
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