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Zavarovalnica Triglav od leta 2015 ponuja mobilno aplikacijo DRAJV, ki spodbuja in nagrajuje varno vožnjo. Aplikacija z uporabo tehnologij telematike spremlja hitrost vožnje, premike telefona in sile med vožnjo. Aplikacija DRAJV prispeva k varnejši vožnji z nadzorom hitrosti, analiziranjem voznih navad in ozaveščanjem uporabnikov, kar zmanjšuje tveganja za nastanek prometnih nesreč, ki ostajajo globalen izziv. Glavni vzrok prometnih nesreč v Sloveniji je še vedno neprilagojena hitrost vožnje, aplikacija DRAJV pa tako s spodbujanjem vožnje s primerno hitrostjo pozitivno vpliva na prometno varnost, saj so aplikacijo DRAJV na svojih vožnjah uporabili vozniki 8-10 % vseh osebnih vozil v Sloveniji.

En večjih globalnih problemov je tudi uporaba mobilnega telefona med vožnjo, kar povzroča neosredotočenost na dogajanje v prometu in močno povečuje tveganja za nastanek prometne nesreče. Aplikacija DRAJV spremlja in ocenjuje tudi pogostost uporabe telefona med vožnjo in nagrajuje voznike, ki telefona med vožnjo ne uporabljajo.

Aplikacija DRAJV obravnava glavne izzive varnosti na cestah, kot so prekoračitve hitrosti, uporaba telefona, sunkovita pospeševanja, zaviranja in vožnje v ovinek. Aplikacija je posebej prilagojena tudi za voznike motornih koles in tako spodbuja varno vožnjo motoristov, ki so med najbolj ranljivimi udeleženci v prometu.

Na podlagi anonimiziranih podatkov voženj uporabnikov, ki so skupno prevozili več kot 1,6 milijarde kilometrov, smo izdelali tudi interaktivno spletno orodje »DRAJV zemljevid«, ki identificira nevarne cestne odseke v Sloveniji z vidika hitrosti vožnje in drugih parametrov, ki jih spremlja aplikacija DRAJV.
We are solving the two main unsettled topics in Camera and LiDAR Systems and human vision in traffic situations. The internally developed Visibility Label, featuring a new universally applicable reference color, addresses the first topic, which is the lack of a universal method for quantifying the visibility of complex shapes such as cars, bikes, and busses. Crystal Glass Pigments provide a solution for the second unresolved issue, focusing on improving the functionality (i.e. visibility) of coatings on vehicles. By formulating new colors with this innovative additive, the coatings become significantly better visible for camera systems, human vision at night, and LiDAR systems 24/7.
27 November 2024 09:00 – 28 November 2024 09:00
Messe Karlsruhe
From the first of September 2022, MKIF Magyar Koncessziós Infrastruktursa Fejlsztó Zrt took over the operation, maintenance and development of 1,237 km of existing Hungarian expressways.

When analyzing the accidents recorded by our traffic surveillance cameras on domestic expressways, we noticed that it is important to draw attention to traffic safety in our communication (keeping a following distance, observing the speed limit near work areas, protecting our colleagues, early education of children/young adults in safe traffic) and traffic -culture (littering, driving in an egoistic style that endangers others, early education of children/young adults on responsible driving).

HAK Awards: Videos on the Topic "10 Golden Rules for Road Safety"

Since 2016 the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) hosts an annual competition for the production of short films on the topic “10 Golden Rules for Road Safety“ in order to promote creativity among young people up to the age of 24.

APP Vive la Moto

Member since: June 2024
Submitted by ANESDOR on

This mobile application includes basic safety advice for motorcyclists from how to ride in a group to how to brake correctly. Although users may believe they have a certain level of motorcycle experience, there are always risky situations where users are unsure of the best strategy. This mobile application is essential for the "retraining process" that users should go through after obtaining their licence.

Formació 3.0

Member since: June 2024
Submitted by ANESDOR on

Formació 3.0 is a free programme to promote advanced training for motorcyclists by the Servei Català de Trànsit, in collaboration with ANESDOR. 

In these practical driving sessions, adapted to all levels, the motorcyclist rides for about 20 minutes, accompanied by a monitor who records the movements of the user. The images are then viewed to correct any faults.

The motorbike is also checked, indicating what needs to be improved in its maintenance. At the end of activity, the recording is handed over so the user can review and assimilate the information received.

Vive la Moto

Member since: June 2024
Submitted by ANESDOR on

Vive la Moto is the meeting place for motorcyclists who want to enjoy motorcycling in a fun, safe and sustainable way.

Users who are part of the Vive la Moto community enjoy self-created content (articles and videos) on equipment tips, motorcycle maintenance, safe riding techniques and information on the latest technological developments.

The platform also provides information on activities, routes and training schools where they can improve their riding skills.

7 October 2024 09:00 – 10 October 2024 17:00

E-scooters - New TV led E-Scooter campaign

Our new TV led E-scooter campaign aims to raise awareness of the new e-scooter laws.

The campaign went live from Monday 20 May 2024 to coincide with the enactment of the new legislation in Ireland.  

The campaign is set in an office environment where we see colleagues welcome the newbie.  The colleagues are dressed up as various characters such as a car, bus, truck, motorbike and bicycle and the newbie E-scooter. We see the characters interact with each other while highlighting six of the rules of the road that apply to E-scooter use.

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