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George Υannis - 30 Marathons in 30 months to actively promote the adoption of 30 km/h speed limit in cities

George Yannis, Professor and Director of the Department of Transportation Planning Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), has successfully completed on Sunday 10 November 2024 in Athens his campaign to run 30 Marathons in 30 months in order to promote the 30km/h speed limit in cities worldwide. He has finished all Marathons in under 4 hours.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Parents play a crucial role in deciding how their children go to school. Most of the time, they chose which mode of transport their children use and which route they take to reach the school gate. And although cycling to school seems like an obvious choice for many children, for their parents, it is not. Why? Because for parents, safety concerns are decisive and often trump all other considerations. Surveys in the Belgian city of Leuven, for example, show that especially women think traffic in their neighborhood is not safe enough to allow children to cycle to school independently.

That is not just a sad observation, but also one that deserves more scrutiny. Which situations do mothers deem unsafe? And, more importantly, why? What can be done about it, so more parents are comfortable with their children cycling to school?

5th National Day of Road Safety

On October 21, 2024, Croatia celebrated the 5th National Day of Road Safety at Ban Josip Jelačić Square in Zagreb. The event, organized by the Ministry of the Interior, aimed to educate the public on road safety and especially motorcycle safety amid rising accident rates. Key participants included Deputy Prime Minister Davor Božinović, police chief Nikola Milina, the Croatian Automobile Club and various institutions involved in the National Road Safety Plan.

5 November 2024 09:30 – 7 November 2024 18:00
Fira Barcelona

HAK participates in the National Cycling Conference

The National Cycling Conference took place in Osijek from October 9-11, 2024, as a significant initiative by the Croatian Ministry of Sea, Traffic, and Infrastructure. Launched in 2022 as part of the EU's Danube Cycle Plans, the conference provided a platform for stakeholders to collaborate on enhancing cycling infrastructure and promoting cyclotourism. During the event, it was highlighted that cycling participation in Croatia stood at only 6%, which was significantly lower than in many European countries.

25 October 2024 08:30 – 12:00

Become a Safe Cyclist and Electric Scooter Rider with HAK

The Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) plays a crucial role in promoting road safety and driver education in Croatia. On September 25, 2024 the manual titled “Become a Safe Cyclist and Electric Scooter Rider” aimed at children and youth was presented at the HAK headquarters in Zagreb. Additionally, HAK participated in a conference titled "Driver – Responsibility for Damage and Compensation" on September 26, 2024, in Zagreb.

The Bulgarian State Agency for Road Safety to launch a campaign to protect children’s lives and health on the road within the European Mobility Week

As a part of the European Mobility Week, which coincides with the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, the Bulgarian State Agency Road Safety (SARS) launches an information campaign on the safety of children as road users. 

16 September 2024 09:00 – 22 September 2024 17:00
Monday, June 24, 2024
One of the problems faced by every road safety body is that the consequences of drink driving are abstract to people that have never felt them. It’s hard to imagine losing your licence, ending up in prison, killing someone, or being left with permanent disabilities because most of us have never experienced these things. We can logically understand them, but we don’t feel them. For the first time, using Virtual Reality, we could create a shocking and deeply resonant immersive experience and make these consequences feel real.
Data collected by the organisation showed that there had been a resurgence in drink driving in Ireland. A legacy of historical anti-drink driving advertising had reduced the behaviour, but a new cohort of younger people, who have never been exposed to it, were drinking and driving anew. These findings instigated creating a campaign to help reduce this worrying trend against younger adult males who considered themselves invincible and immune to road traffic collisions. For the first time, using Virtual Reality (VR), we could create a shocking and deeply resonant immersive experience and make these consequences feel real.
Our response was ‘Consequences’: a cut-through VR experience that toured the country and challenged the user by putting them in the shoes of a drunk driver, bringing this serious message home in a completely new and immersive way. Different storylines allowed the user to experience the full extent of the agonising consequences of drink driving—from injury to prosecution.
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