
First name


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Describe your organisation

SafeDay is a small Irish family owned business. Basically my wife and I with our older children getting involved recently.
As qualified health and safety professionals we research and advocate for public health matters in our country.

Our paid work involves providing safety training and consultancy for various industries. 
Our voluntary work is mainly spent helping the Irish Cancer Society and the Irish Heart Foundation.

We would like to add the RSA and ERSC to help improve road safety as we see the increased risk from driving for work.

We are also really concerned about the level of deaths where alcohol and other substances have played a part. 
Almost 40% of deaths identified alcohol as a contributory factor in the most recent statistics released. 
In addition, 1 in 3 deaths have been young people under 25 years which is extremely sad and has to change. 

If the RSA and ERSC support us we are committed to helping reduce deaths and serious injuries in any way we can.
