Provide alternative solutions

Zavarovalnica Triglav od leta 2015 ponuja mobilno aplikacijo DRAJV, ki spodbuja in nagrajuje varno vožnjo. Aplikacija z uporabo tehnologij telematike spremlja hitrost vožnje, premike telefona in sile med vožnjo. Aplikacija DRAJV prispeva k varnejši vožnji z nadzorom hitrosti, analiziranjem voznih navad in ozaveščanjem uporabnikov, kar zmanjšuje tveganja za nastanek prometnih nesreč, ki ostajajo globalen izziv. Glavni vzrok prometnih nesreč v Sloveniji je še vedno neprilagojena hitrost vožnje, aplikacija DRAJV pa tako s spodbujanjem vožnje s primerno hitrostjo pozitivno vpliva na prometno varnost, saj so aplikacijo DRAJV na svojih vožnjah uporabili vozniki 8-10 % vseh osebnih vozil v Sloveniji.

En večjih globalnih problemov je tudi uporaba mobilnega telefona med vožnjo, kar povzroča neosredotočenost na dogajanje v prometu in močno povečuje tveganja za nastanek prometne nesreče. Aplikacija DRAJV spremlja in ocenjuje tudi pogostost uporabe telefona med vožnjo in nagrajuje voznike, ki telefona med vožnjo ne uporabljajo.

Aplikacija DRAJV obravnava glavne izzive varnosti na cestah, kot so prekoračitve hitrosti, uporaba telefona, sunkovita pospeševanja, zaviranja in vožnje v ovinek. Aplikacija je posebej prilagojena tudi za voznike motornih koles in tako spodbuja varno vožnjo motoristov, ki so med najbolj ranljivimi udeleženci v prometu.

Na podlagi anonimiziranih podatkov voženj uporabnikov, ki so skupno prevozili več kot 1,6 milijarde kilometrov, smo izdelali tudi interaktivno spletno orodje »DRAJV zemljevid«, ki identificira nevarne cestne odseke v Sloveniji z vidika hitrosti vožnje in drugih parametrov, ki jih spremlja aplikacija DRAJV.
We are solving the two main unsettled topics in Camera and LiDAR Systems and human vision in traffic situations. The internally developed Visibility Label, featuring a new universally applicable reference color, addresses the first topic, which is the lack of a universal method for quantifying the visibility of complex shapes such as cars, bikes, and busses. Crystal Glass Pigments provide a solution for the second unresolved issue, focusing on improving the functionality (i.e. visibility) of coatings on vehicles. By formulating new colors with this innovative additive, the coatings become significantly better visible for camera systems, human vision at night, and LiDAR systems 24/7.
20 March 2024 08:00 – 10:00
Inter Expo Centre

The Importance of Horizontal and Vertical Signaling in Road Safety

Industrie Mica Prahova SA and Drumul in siguranta weblog published the study called "The Importance of Horizontal and Vertical Signaling in Road Safety", the first of its kind at national level. As per the traffic data presented at the beginning of the year by the Romanian Police, which reveal that over 1,540 people lost their lives and another 3,550 were injured in road accidents in 2023. The main causes of serious accidents are the failure to adapt speed to road conditions and irregular pedestrian crossing.

Assisting +300 ride-hailing drivers in Portugal!

Member since: June 2023
Submitted by WingDriver on

The best practice in our community is using WingDriver's driving assistant algorithm that alerts drivers for dangerous behavior like distraction, fatigue and drowsiness.

We launched a targeted campaign to support, for free, +300 ride-hailing drivers in Portugal. In less than 30 days we've generated 200 wake-up alerts and almost 5000 distraction alerts while driving. It's been very impactful.

Let us know if you'd want support in launching something like this.

Analysis of available sight distance (ASD) and its comparison with the required, passing(overtaking) or any other type of sight distance, is a key activity for adequate road designing, speed management, road safety inspection and road maintenance. Obligations related to this activity arise from road design norms and manuals. However, in the engineering practice so far, the analysis of available sight distance was either inadequately treated or completely omitted. The reason for such a thing lies in the fact that there were no appropriate tools for effective and safe measuring of ASD.

Searching for solution, we at ''Panpro Team'' d.o.o. have developed innovative software for measuring of available sight distance based on analysis of virtual driver view moving through the cloud of points, recorded by modern mobile laser(lidar's) equipment.
2 April 2024 10:00 – 5 April 2024 11:30
The Square

Seventh edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation

Providing solutions to real problems is the main goal of social innovators, who through their projects contribute to meeting the social needs and demands of the public.

With them in mind, we are launching the seventh edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards, with the collaboration of IE as an academic partner, broadening our scope even further. In this edition can participate projects from four major regions: Brazil, the rest of Latin America, Europe and the United States of America.

Informative talk on Safety in School Transport on October 17

Do you know how minors can travel safely when they use the school bus?

In this talk we will inform you of the current regulations, how our minors currently travel, how they should travel to be safe and what we can do to make them travel safely.


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