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ASECAP is the European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures across
18 member countries representing 125 companies employing more than 46.000 direct jobs and
200.000 indirect jobs. They operate, maintain, manage a network of more than 82.200 km with a long-term vision that ensures highest quality standards to make the road infrastructure safest targeting vision zero fatality and moving toward net zero carbon thank to the user/payer principle providing sustainable financing.
- ASECAP and its members consider Road Safety as the key mission guiding their work and activities. The social contract of road operators is to keep the traffic moving in the safest road safety condition and to reach vision Zero accident. It is a shared vision, both for their customers as well as for their staff patrollers and traffic police’s operators. Motorway agents, Traffic Police, rescue services intervene indeed on the network to guarantee safety and smooth traffic circulation.
- Nevertheless, even if the motorway remains the safest infrastructure compared to other roads, we also have our specificities in term of accident causes. Indeed, the main accidents causes are sleepness, fatigues, alcohol, inapropriate speed, and an increasing cause due to distraction (use of mobile phone…)
- We are aware of the fact that every accident is a traumatizing event to all people involved. At the same time each accident results in massive costs for a national economy.
- Today, road accidents are the leading cause of death for young people.
ASECAP fully shares and supports The Vision Zero objective envisaged by the European Commission and United Nations.