Bulgarian Association for Parking and Sustainable Urban Mobility

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Organisation name

Bulgarian Association for Parking and Sustainable Urban Mobility

Type of member


Describe your organisation

BAPSUM is a national non-profit organization representing the participants in the parking and urban mobility sector, including local governments, commercial entities and professionals.

The association has been constituted under the Bulgarian law for non-profit legal entities based on general meeting of the founding members on 14th December 2021, reflected in the Bulgarian Commercial Register of non-profit legal entities on 7th January 2022 with UIC 206777164. 

BAPSUM is a member of the European Parking Association.

Our goals are to perform, inter alia, the following activities:

• Promote best practices in the field of parking and urban mobility.

• Prepares and supports the implementation of sustainable, environmentally friendly, and innovative solutions.

• Work on enhancing the Bulgarian regulatory framework at local and national level in the field of parking and mobility to be more conducive for investments in the sector, ease the operational procedures and increase the benefits to the population, while aligning it to the European best practices and standards.

• Increase the capacity of its internal members and external counterparts through knowledge sharing, conferences, trainings, lectures, research contribution, data exchange and other related activities.

• Participate in the development and implementation of European and national projects.

• Become a full and active member of the European Parking Association and other associations of foreign states and international organizations with purposes compatible with our social objectives and goals.  
