Varga András EV

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Organisation name

Varga András EV

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Describe your organisation

I am an individual entrepreneur, professional driver and driving instructor who researches and seeks innovative methods that contribute to improving safe traffic, improving traffic morale and preventing accidents.

Since 2019, I have been dealing with in-depth accident analyses, exploring possibilities and connections.

Previously, I worked in a funded research project on an innovative solution that enabled active accident prevention for both current and future vehicles and road users.

Unfortunately, the development of the project was completed because the investor did not finance it any further. The main reason for this is that the investor expected quick and huge revenues, instead of waiting for the results of research and tests to be made public and building a business model on practical feedback.

Unfortunately, the presentation of the solution by the government also proved to be a dead end, as politics and professional attitudes are difficult, or not at all, able to break away from the usual, almost routine nerves, and it is not easy to move people away from the "knowledge blindness" that dominates professional circles.

Therefore, I think that I should turn to the public organizations that have an understanding and open hearing with the results achieved.

I finance the research from my own budget, the results of which I share with the drivers I train and I try to get them to the accident prevention groups who also consider the prevention of accidents and the human-centered development of traffic to be of prime importance.

The results and summaries that can be published help to better understand the development of emergency situations and the development of possible alternatives, and also generate professional discussions, which enable the involvement of more professionals and enable more open thinking and the introduction of more effective alternatives.

My researched topics:
Technical changes to vehicles are made specifically from the point of view of accident prevention.
The behavior of drivers and the possibilities of screening for critical personalities and health problems.
Possibilities of achieving positive changes in European transport within a short period of time (maximum 2 years). Including achieving zero fatal accidents and close to zero serious injury accidents.

I conduct my experiments with car drivers, professional drivers (such as truck or bus drivers) and pedestrians.

I make sharing the results available in the form of books and publications, as well as online downloads. Of course, free of charge and without financial compensation.

I believe that I have found a method that enables a better design of transport and means of transport in the long term.

I believe that the open communication of information enables professionals to recognize the presence of developments and innovative ideas and that significant changes cannot be achieved by further combining existing systems and methods, but by introducing a new method.

I believe that open and conscious communication means the possibility of preventing accidents and creating road safety, and not the possibility of earning income for individual groups and businesses.

I believe that a revolutionary new solution can eliminate the economic damage caused in the present, and even bring about positive changes for individual countries and member states by working together.

My goal is to provide valuable information for traffic safety specialists, and in practice to give the people I teach and the people who consult with me the opportunity to drive more efficiently and calmly.
