
E-scooters - New TV led E-Scooter campaign

Our new TV led E-scooter campaign aims to raise awareness of the new e-scooter laws.

The campaign went live from Monday 20 May 2024 to coincide with the enactment of the new legislation in Ireland.  

The campaign is set in an office environment where we see colleagues welcome the newbie.  The colleagues are dressed up as various characters such as a car, bus, truck, motorbike and bicycle and the newbie E-scooter. We see the characters interact with each other while highlighting six of the rules of the road that apply to E-scooter use.

DEKRA Italia, as a leading road safety company, faces several challenges and problems to raise awareness of the issue and reduce the number of accidents and deaths. One of the main ones is the increasing presence of driving distractions, such as cell phone use or lack of attention to the road due to fatigue or stress.
Our daily commitment is to raise awareness about the consequences of these bad habits and to promote responsible driving behavior.

In Italy in particular in the last year, there is a high number of road accidents especially among the younger generations: in this sense, our Mission is to raise awareness on proper road education among the youngest, but also aiming to include all age groups in order to change their cultural asset, values and habits in order to support the growth of a generation of future drivers inspired by safety and sustainability. By 'playing' from an early age with road safety and proactively exercising young people on the golden rules of safe driving, we are sure to contribute to future drivers being ready for the challenges on safety and sustainability of the cities of the future, between micro- and macro-mobility.

30th National Competition “Safe in Traffic”

The national competition “Safe in Traffic” was held in Pula, Croatia from the 21st until the 23rd of May. During the 30th consecutive competition the fifth- and sixth-grade students showed their knowledge of traffic regulations and rules, as well as their cycling skills.

Seventh edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation

Providing solutions to real problems is the main goal of social innovators, who through their projects contribute to meeting the social needs and demands of the public.

With them in mind, we are launching the seventh edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards, with the collaboration of IE as an academic partner, broadening our scope even further. In this edition can participate projects from four major regions: Brazil, the rest of Latin America, Europe and the United States of America.

Informative talk on Safety in School Transport on October 17

Do you know how minors can travel safely when they use the school bus?

In this talk we will inform you of the current regulations, how our minors currently travel, how they should travel to be safe and what we can do to make them travel safely.


Happy Trails for the Road Safety Authority as Seatbelt Sheriff saddles up to deliver awards

The Road Safety Authority has announced the winners of its annual Seatbelt Sheriff Awards which celebrate the dedication and creative ideas of primary school children to keep themselves, their friends and their loved ones safe on our roads.

The Seatbelt Sheriff Awards are now in their 19th year, and while it’s not their first rodeo, this year marks the first year that the Seatbelt Sheriff galloped off into the sunset to deliver the awards in person to the winning schools.

‘Pass Wide and Slow’ When Meeting Horse Riders and other Vulnerable Road Users

The Road Safety Authority (RSA), and An Garda Síochána (AGS) have teamed up with Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) and Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) to produce a series of videos to inform motorists how to share the roads safely with horse riders.

The campaign addresses potentially dangerous situations in road traffic that often arise due to distractions or speeding. In particular, lack of concentration, for example, due to handling a mobile phone while being on the move, poses a great risk. Increased consideration and mindfulness not only contribute to the safety of everyone but also ensure that all road users, including the slower and weaker ones, can feel comfortable in traffic.
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