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National Technical University of Athens
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The Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering (DTPE) ( of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) studies all the aspects of the transportation of persons and goods. Over the past 30 years, special emphasis has been given to research on road safety, at national and international level, including research on road accident risk analysis and modelling, road safety policy, road user behaviour and assessment of road safety interventions, including research on mobility and safety of pedestrians, PTW and the elderly.
NTUA/DTPE participated in numerous projects of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th EU RTD and Horizons 2020 Programmes, (e.g., PROMISING, ADVISORS, HEARTS, HUMANIST, 2BeSafe, SafetyNet, DaCoTA, SafetyCube, etc.), in other EU-projects (SARTRE 2, 3 & 4, ELDERSAFE, ESRA, etc.) and projects for the UNECE, WHO, OECD/ITF, World Bank, CEDR, as well as in several national research projects for Transport Authorities and Municipalities in the field of road safety with particular emphasis on road safety data management and analysis. NTUA/DTPE had a key role in the development of the ERSO - European Road Safety Observatory, the Pan-African Road Safety Observatory, the European Road Safety Decision Support System and the PRACT Repository with Accident Prediction Models and Crash Modification Factors.
NTUA/DTPE operates the NTUA Road Safety Observatory ( aiming to support the Greek and the International Road Safety Community with current key road safety knowledge and data, which are gathered, analysed and organised within its research activities, as well as within co-operations with various national and international road safety organisations.
The ultimate objective of the NTUA/DTPE is to contribute to the reduction of the number of road accidents and of the related casualties in Greece, in Europe and worldwide through the scientific support of evidence based decision making for the necessary road safety policies, programmes and measures.
NTUA/DTPE participated in numerous projects of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th EU RTD and Horizons 2020 Programmes, (e.g., PROMISING, ADVISORS, HEARTS, HUMANIST, 2BeSafe, SafetyNet, DaCoTA, SafetyCube, etc.), in other EU-projects (SARTRE 2, 3 & 4, ELDERSAFE, ESRA, etc.) and projects for the UNECE, WHO, OECD/ITF, World Bank, CEDR, as well as in several national research projects for Transport Authorities and Municipalities in the field of road safety with particular emphasis on road safety data management and analysis. NTUA/DTPE had a key role in the development of the ERSO - European Road Safety Observatory, the Pan-African Road Safety Observatory, the European Road Safety Decision Support System and the PRACT Repository with Accident Prediction Models and Crash Modification Factors.
NTUA/DTPE operates the NTUA Road Safety Observatory ( aiming to support the Greek and the International Road Safety Community with current key road safety knowledge and data, which are gathered, analysed and organised within its research activities, as well as within co-operations with various national and international road safety organisations.
The ultimate objective of the NTUA/DTPE is to contribute to the reduction of the number of road accidents and of the related casualties in Greece, in Europe and worldwide through the scientific support of evidence based decision making for the necessary road safety policies, programmes and measures.