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The purpose of the Foundation is to serve the child and the family. That is why road safety is so important to us, especially when it is related to our main activities, which concern, among others, broadly understood prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances.
Our activities include the activities of a specialist Dr. Marcin Szulc, prof. UG from the Department of Personality and Forensic Psychology of the University of Gdańsk, which conducted workshops, lectures, and training for education employees on the health consequences of using psychoactive substances, with particular emphasis on the risk of using NPS (new psychoactive substances), commonly known as "legal highs", marijuana and the risky using electronic media - cyberbullying and addiction. In addition, he conducted classes on peer violence, psychological determinants and prevention of self-injury, and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents.
For schoolchildren, classes were conducted on problems related to growing up, and the health consequences of using psychoactive substances, with particular emphasis on the risk of using NPS (new psychoactive substances) commonly known as "legal highs" and marijuana, as well as risky use of electronic media - cyberbullying and addiction, peers and dealing with crisis situations, with particular emphasis on the current pandemic situation. In the area of psychoactive substances, we started activities with dr hab. Marek Wiergowski from the Medical University of Gdańsk and the Motor Transport Institute from Warsaw. In 2022, we carried out a public task entitled "Be responsible - do not use psychoactive substances!" - education of future drivers.
As part of the task, educational materials for students aged 15-18 were developed, as well as a scientific conference with the participation of dr hab. Marek Wiergowski, Dr. Marcin Szulc, prof. UG and dr Aneta Wnuk from ITS. The recipients were not only representatives of education, but also the State Police and probation officers. In 2023, the project will be continued.