Educational staff

Thursday, June 1, 2023 - 17:34
Every year almost 2 million crashes are human-caused partially because of distraction and sleep, resulting in a staggering $287 billion in losses for insurance companies. WingDriver solves that using AI and your smartphone. Our technology alert drivers to keep them awake and focused.
WingDriverTM is the only company implementing Computer Vision and AI on smartphones and mobile operating systems to analyze combined facial analysis, vehicle inertial data and the vehicle surroundings to accurately identify driver drowsiness, fatigue, distraction and other driver states to prevent accidents.
The WingDriverTM tech uses smartphone cameras and sensors or the in-vehicle driver monitoring camera and Android automotive unit and combined with Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) research results, for the decision making processes that will identify the driver situation and alert drivers in real-time using audio and visual messages. Additionally, our Big Mobility Data strategy will enable us to understand the correlation between driver behavior and accidents with greater precision to accurately assess driver risk.
Our solution is based on:
- WingDriverTM Software Development Kit (SDK) - To enable any mobile application company or automotive manufacturers to include these safety features in their products;
- WingDriverTM Cloud data - Enabling for a better risk assessment and consequently improved insurance products;
- WingDriverTM App and White-label apps - Our iOS and Android apps are developed in a way that enables a quick change on the visuals to fit our client needs. Facilitating proof of concept activities.

WingDriverTM delivers a data driven solution to monitor, evaluate and reward safe drivers, enabling:
- Reduce operational costs - By preventing collisions with real time alerts, drivers will drive safer, cost related to insurance and maintenance will be decreased, and fleet uptime will be increased.
- Improve driver behaviour - By collecting accurate driver behavioral data (drive assist data, vehicle assist data and telematics), WingDriver enables personalized coaching and instruction, resulting in improved driving behavior and habits.
-Tailormade for insurance - By analyzing data on factors such as sleep, distraction, and overall driving performance, insurers can accurately assess and price risk for individual drivers (usage-based insurance).
- Keep customers engaged - Cutting-edge solution that adds valuable insights into customers’ driving behavior, their performance through personalized reports and their motivation with gamification elements such as rewards and challenges.
Thursday, June 1, 2023 - 15:05
Speed limits and speeding in the vicinity of schools.

In Ireland many of our ‘Front of school’ zones tend to be busy and congested. Where school bus transport is not available for example, children often travel several kilometres to their schools from rural localities in the private family car. We also have the habit of very short and often unnecessary (less than 1km) trips by car to school; parents frequently cite traffic and speed as a reason for the car trip. In essence it’s a self-propagating habit; the more who drive, the more who feel it’s dangerous and so the drive level ensues.

Wicklow County Council are conscious and concerned regarding their school going population. We are aware of studies detailing that pedestrians have a 90% chance of surviving a car crash at 30km/h or below, but that the probability of a pedestrian being killed rises by a factor of 8 as the impact speed of the car rises from 30km/h to 50km/h. Existing speed limits in the vicinities of County Wicklow’s schools varied from 50km up to 80km per hour. Wicklow County Council were keen to address this lack of equity in shared spaces where vehicles and vulnerable road users mix on a thrice daily basis.

We felt there was no justification for drivers to travel at high speeds in the vicinity of schools. Changes were proposed to reduce speed, to reduce risk and to make the front of school environment a safer place for all. Various options were looked at, including the enforcement of fixed speed limits or the introduction of periodic speed limits in school zones which would require drivers to reduce their speed.

It was agreed that the on roads outside schools that would not be subject to a fixed speed limit of 30km/h, periodic speed limits of 30km/h should be proposed to Elected Members*, as anything that addresses the notion of reduction in speed must be considered for the most vulnerable road users.

The members of each local authority are called 'Councillor’s, or ‘Elected Members’. Councillors are directly elected in local elections, to represent their district at a local level. The number of councillors elected to each local authority depends on the population of the local authority area. In total, Wicklow have 32 Elected Members.
Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 17:30
The main road safety challenge addressed in the thesis is the knowledge gap in understanding co-occurring accident conditions. The official road traffic accident statistics in Austria currently focus on identifying a single explicit accident cause for each accident, such as speeding. However, accidents are often multicausal events, involving multiple conditions or factors simultaneously. This thesis aims to investigate and analyze co-occurring accident conditions to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to road accidents.
Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 16:36
With our innovative project we want to involve university students in road safety. Slow City is a campaign based on the creation of various short videos made by the students about the benefits of speed reduction in our cities, especially saving lifes. Our main goal is to engage the students, but also the general youth by posting the videos and raising awareness peer-to-peer.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 18:57
Mobiliteit is een hot topic. Iedereen heeft er een mening over. Toch hebben mensen soms het gevoel dat ze onvoldoende geïnformeerd zijn om mee te praten in het mobiliteitsdebat en om mee na te denken over concrete oplossingen voor meer gezonde mobiliteit in hun buurt. Mobiliteitsjargon vormt zo een hindernis voor mensen om volwaardig te kunnen meepraten over een thema dat uiteindelijk iedereen aanbelangt.

Tijdens workshops, inspraakmomenten en begeleidingen met burgers kan je er niet zomaar vanuit gaan dat iedereen mee is met dat mobiliteitsjargon. Woorden als sluipverkeer of parkeermanagement krijgen al snel verschillende invullingen. Daarom besliste Mobiel 21 om enkele moeilijke woorden op een heldere manier uit te leggen in een reeks laagdrempelige en informatieve video’s met de naam ‘Mobiliteit voor Dummies’. Daarin geeft Glenn Godin, medewerker bij Mobiel 21 en verkeersdeskundige, met een grappige draai en de nadruk op duurzame oplossingen, een antwoord op vaak gestelde vragen. In een reeks met 7 verschillende filmpjes legt hij telkens een ander mobiliteitsbegrip op een heldere manier uit. De onderwerpen van de filmpjes zijn: De knip, fietsstraat, verkeer, schoolstraat, sluipverkeer, parkeren en wegencategorisering. Het zijn stuk voor stuk begrippen die vaak ter sprake komen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer gemeenten hun burgers betrekken bij de opmaak van nieuwe mobiliteitsplannen.

‘Mobiliteit voor Dum­mies’ kwam tot stand met de ste­un van ‘All 4 Zero’. Met dat project willen de ver­schil­lende over­he­den in Bel­gië het aan­tal ver­keers­do­den in ons land tegen 2050 terug­bren­gen tot nul. All 4 Zero betrekt burg­ers actief in het ver­beteren van de ver­keersvei­ligheid, onder meer via een nationale enquête en the­ma­tis­che burg­er­pan­els. All 4 Zero moedigt ook lokale ini­ti­atieven aan om hun eigen straat, buurt of gemeente ver­keersveiliger te mak­en. Net daarom is het zo belan­grijk dat iedereen kan meep­rat­en over mobiliteit. En daar draagt onze reeks ‘Mobiliteit voor Dum­mies’ toe bij.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 18:15
The book "My Hero" graces the libraries of the 110 schools of Rhodes following a decision by the Board of Directors of the Primary & Secondary School Committee of the Municipality of Rhodes. The goal is to adorn the libraries of all schools in the South Aegean Region.
I feel proud because I managed to write a book starting with my Hero who returns to Rhodes who meets his friends, operators, the Prime Minister of his country to talk about the human lives that are lost in the streets and with the aim of being read and for its readers to know the causes of traffic accidents, for my country, for the Strategic Road Safety Improvement Plan in Greece, for Europe, for World Victims' Remembrance Day, for supporting victims and everything about traffic accidents and how they can be reduced.
13 May 2023 10:00 – 10:00
auditorium of the Transport and Communications Directorate of the Athens Central Regional Unit
Friday, May 12, 2023 - 10:05
A simply file to print and give in Public Administrations offices tò cooperate in fixing black spots.

Professional Cyclist Imogen Cotter Launches new safety campaign with the RSA and Škoda Ireland

Professional Cyclist Imogen Cotter Launches new safety campaign with the RSA and Škoda Ireland A new RSA report shows that for every one person killed while cycling, there were 25 seriously injured*. 9% of people seriously injured while cycling was a result of a hit and run incident. ‘Failure to observe’ by other drivers was their most frequently noted action (38%) in collisions where people who cycle were seriously injured.
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