
NE BLUZI, Z GLAVO KRUZI New initiative for safe micromobility


The increase in the number of traffic accidents and violations among e-scooter riders represents a serious challenge to traffic safety in Slovenia. We have identified the need to raise awareness among riders about the dangers associated with e-scooter use, promote responsible behavior among micromobility users, and take measures to improve traffic safety.

Slovenia is a country with a lot of small and very dispersed settlements where public transport does not cover the needs of mobility. 2 million inhabitants have as many as 1.2 million cars. The proportion of older drivers (61+) is 28% and is growing. For elderly, the car is a source of autonomy, mobility and a building block of social inclusion. Drivers in this age group are the most common drivers of fatal accidents, most often in which they die themselves. During their driving career, cars, infrastructure, road rules, driving dynamics have changed and new forms of mobility have developed.

International conference ‘The future of electric scooters in Slovenia’

(Ljubljana, April 6, 2023) A national preventive action for greater safety of electric scooter drivers took place this week, up until April 9, 2023. Today, the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency and Zavod VOZIM, the national coordinator of the European Road Safety Charter, carried out an international conference The future of electric scooters in Slovenia.

Kot prostovoljni gasilec, po poklicu pa zdravstveni reševalec sem se na avtocestah in hitrih cesta vse prepogosto srečal s težavnim pristopom preko zastojev. Leta 2013 sem bil v enoti gasilcev, ki se je prebijala na mesto dogodka, a zaradi nepravilno razvrščenih vozil nismo mogli napredovati preko zastoja, izstopil sem iz vozila in peš utiral pot gasilskemu tovornemu vozilu. Ker me je zanimalo, zakaj ljudje ne vedo, da se je v primeru zastojev potrebno pravilno razvrstiti, sem raziskal področje. Ugotovil sem, da državne in pristojne institucije niso veliko ozaveščale, zato sem se odločil za začetek akcije Ustvarimo Reševalni pas na avtocestah. Z objavo posnetkov težav, ki jih imamo, želimo pri populaciji vzbuditi zavedanje, da je pravilno razvrščanje izjemnega pomena za reševanje življenj. Slovenija je izrazito tranzitna država, zato se z zastoji na avtocestah srečujemo vsakodnevno, reševalni pas pa je potrebno ustvarjati v vsakem zastoju in ne le v zastojih ob izrednih dogodkih.

Interacitive workshops »I still drive, but I cannot walk«

Traffic acident victim, with spinal injury, share their stories in non-formal workshops with young people in order to influence their perception on road safety.

They learn about road safety and the importance of following road safety rules from a different angle – the personal experiences of a person injured in a road accident.

Social media campaign »Don't text and drive!«

Use of mobile phone when driving is increasing in Slovenia. Research made by Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency in 2015 has shown that 75% of surveyed drivers uses telephone and sends SMS messages while driving. We wanted to raise awareness about dangers of texting and driving focused primary on youth and secondary on general public and inform them about the consequences of severe traffic injuries caused by usage of mobile phones.

Interactive preventive workshops "I still drive - but I cannot walk" – 2016 results update

Traffic accident victims, with spinal injury, share their stories in non-formal preventive workshops "I still drive - but I cannot walk" with young people in order to influence their perception on road safety. Young people learn about road safety and the importance of following road safety rules from a different angle – the personal experiences of a person injured heavily in a road accident.

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