The HEROES DRIVE IN PAJAMAS INITIATIVE is a Slovenian nationwide initiative to reduce drink-driving and alcohol use among young people. One of the main elements of the initiative is a discussion of young people and local decision-makers on the driving under the influence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances and related road safety among young people. Together with local decision-makers young people are looking for solutions to improve road safety in their local area. Young people become active co-creators of policy at the local level by making proposals and advocating them to local decision-makers. The proposed solutions are included in an action plan for municipalities, in which they commit to adopt or implement certain proposed measures, thereby contributing to improving road safety and reducing drink-driving among young people.
The first discussions in 2023 took place at the Municipality Slovenj Gradec in Youth Cultural Centre Slovenj Gradec and in the Municipality Gornja Radgona at the Youth Centre Gornja Radgona. The initiative has been recognised by the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health as an example of a good intervention practice in the field of public health.
At the discussion the young people were accompanied by national expert, representatives of the National Institute of Public Health, the Slovenian Transport Safety Agency, the Ministry of Health, as well as local decision-makers, the municipality (mayor, vice-mayor), the Council for Road Traffic Prevention and Education, the Police, the Youth Centre, and the school. Experts present to young people the problems of alcohol and other psychoactive substances use and related road safety at national and local level, discuss the reasons and measures for curbing drunkenness and alcohol-related road accidents, look for solutions and learn about good practices for improving the existing situation.
Heroes drive in pajamas discussion Municipality Gornja Radgona
Heroes drive in pajamas discussion Municipality Slovenj Gradec
Target Audience