Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

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Hazard Express Van 1
Young inexperienced drivers, passengers, and vulnerable road users covering;
Driver Safety
Powered two-wheelers
Pedal cycles
Crossing Roads
Looking at education using the new Hazard Express as a method of reaffirming messages delivered through a presentation.
Depending on the school or college we are attending we will look at any issue they may have (Data led) and then allocate the correct VR-360 film to the Hazard Express to assist in the education of the students. The Hazard Express delivers a new innovative way of learning, using an experiential learning method that aids cognitive development.
EU has the ambition to reduce the number of road accidents with 50% by 2030. At the same time, sales of eBikes are rapidly increasing (30M eBikes by 2023), and 55% of the bikes are for urban use. Therefore, measures to improve road safety and cyclist safety are a major contribution to decrease crashes and improve safety. TO.TEM want this by adding a rear view camera to the eBikes.
La Comisión sobre Seguridad Vial del Congreso de los Diputados es el único órgano político español en el que están representados todos los partidos políticos con representación parlamentaria y su actividad fundamental es impulsar nuevas estrategias y acciones para conseguir el objetivo de reducir la siniestralidad vial en España. Colaboramos con la Administración y recibimos las propuestas de la sociedad civil.
Nuestro objetivo es el cumplimiento de la Estrategia 2030, en las que nos fijamos la reducción de la siniestralidad y personas fallecidas y lesionados graves en un 50% Y la reducción total (visión cero) para 2050.
The technology can’t avoid all kind of road accidents. So, we focus in creating the “Life Saver Seat” solution to make the rescue of victims faster and more save. We reduced the rescue time by 70%, and thus reduced the number of road victims by 50%!!

The problem during the rescue process is: ( )
- to have in place all the rescue material needed
- to have enough space to work in the correct way

The E-RESCUE System transforms a normal seat into a "Life Saver Seat": ( )
- In every seat there is all that is needed to immobilize the victims against the backrest to protect his back (preventing spinal cord injuries) and the special removable anchorage system makes it possible to remove the seat from the vehicle and extract the victim with it.
- this is the first time that we install in vehicles a safety system focused on making the rescue of the victims easier after a crash... it is not only a new safety device, but also a new kind of safety onboard call "Post-Accident Safety".
The technology can’t avoid all kind of road accidents. So, we focus in creating the “Life Saver Seat” solution to make fast and saver the rescue of victims. We reduce by 70% the rescue time thus reducing by 50% the number of road victims !!

The problem during the rescue process is: ( )
- to have in place all the rescue material needed
- to have enough space to work right.

The E-RESCUE System transform a normal seat into a "Life Saver Seat": ( )
- In every seat there is all it is needed to immobilize the victims against it backrest to protect his back (preventing spinal cord injuries) and the special removable anchorage system makes possible to remove seat from the vehicle and extract the victim with it.
- this is the first time that we install in vehicles a safety system focused in making easier the rescue of the victims after a crash... is not only new safety device, but also a new kind of safety onboard call "Post-Accidente Safety".