A comprehensive guide to increasing road safety

Initiative details

In an effort to achieve a permanent reduction in the number and consequences of traffic accidents, there are situations where it is not possible to further decrease the numbers, but the numbers of accidents and their consequences fluctuate around a certain constant. A strategy was developed due to better identification of the weak points in the transportation system of the Zlín Region. This strategy has become the key document of the region in the field of road safety, providing conceptual and planning guidelines for reducing the number and consequences of traffic accidents on roads in the Zlín Region. The strategic goal is to achieve halving the number of fatalities and severely injured persons in traffic accidents on roads by 2030, which means a 50% reduction compared to the average for the years 2017-2019. These goals are based on international commitments of the Czech Republic. The consistent implementation of traffic measures outlined in the action plan is determinative for achieving the strategic goals of the strategy.

The Action plan is divided into four pillars:
1. Road users
2. Infrastructure
3. Vehicle and technology
4. Coordination of the traffic safety (BESIP )

The action plan includes defined specific goals, concrete measures, and responsibility for implementing each traffic measure. The activities are complemented by financial requirements and completion deadlines. Within the action plan, there are implemented a several measures and activities such as reducing vehicle speed, eliminating traffic accidents and their locations, promoting advanced technologies, and informing the public about traffic safety activities.
During the development of the strategy, socio-economic characteristics of the region, budget, key conceptual documents, and alignment with the new national BESIP Strategy 2021-2030 were considered. The strategy was developed in line with other conceptual documents in the field of transportation in the Zlín Region, with the aim of establishing a unified concept for addressing road traffic safety in the region.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Public authorities


Create awareness
Improve vehicles and infrastructure

Organisation details

Transport Research Centre (CDV)
School / Research centre
Czech Republic

Contact name

Jan Elgner

Telephone number

+420 541 641 797

Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

The external partners of the strategy include all entities involved in the implementation of the action plan that follows the Road Traffic Safety Strategy of the Zlín Region. Among the partners are the Zlín Region, which sets funding grants, is responsible for sharing information, and evaluating implemented traffic measures and other activities described in the action plan. The communication administrators, municipal and local authorities, police, and the regional traffic safety coordinator also play a significant role in implementing the action plan.

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

The motivation behind the strategy of the Zlín Region and the national strategy is to achieve the Vision Zero by 2050. The pillar of the strategy is the analysis of accident data, with emphasis on specific objectives such as the causes of accidents and fatal or serious injuries of road users. The strategy utilized an innovative method called KDE+ for clustering traffic accidents on the road network. The software and method description are available at https://www.kdeplus.cz/en/. The KDE+ method is used in over 20 countries worldwide. For clustered accident locations, a general procedure for addressing the specific area is outlined in the strategy, with direct location. The specific traffic measures should be implemented based on subsequent analysis, such as safety inspections. The strategy also includes an analysis of indirect safety indicators in the Zlín Region, such as speeding and distraction. Another part is setting a framework budget for implementing activities according to the action plan and monitoring its implementation. The action plan undergoes a re-evaluation every two years.


What has been the effect of the activities?

The strategy of the Zlín Region is the first strategic document that addresses the complex issue of traffic safety in the region. Until 2021, the Zlín Region relied on descriptive statistics of traffic accidents without clustering their locations. By identifying a range of determinative factors influencing the traffic situation in the region, local representatives can better target their investments in problematic areas of road transport where significant improvements can be expected. The strategy of the Zlín Region is freely available in Czech at https://zlinskykraj.cz/strategie-bezpecnosti-silnicniho-provozu-besip-2022-2030-0 and may serve as inspiration for other regions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The transferability of the strategy requires access to traffic accidents with GPS coordinates and geospatial data in the respective region. The involvement of all stakeholders in shaping a shared BESIP strategy for the region serves as inspiration for other members, ensuring its successful implementation by gaining acceptance from all residents.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

Regional entities responsible for road traffic safety in the region were involved in the development of the strategy, particularly road network administrators, the Czech Police, the regional BESIP coordinator, and municipalities with extended powers. The strategy also proposed the direction of road safety grant programs, preceded by a survey among all municipalities in the Zlín Region.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

1) The Strategy and annexes are available at https://zlinskykraj.cz/strategie-bezpecnosti-silnicniho-provozu-besip-2022-2030-0

2) The project was developed by the Zlín Region in line with the national BESIP Strategy 2021-2030 and approved by the Zlín Region Council on February 14, 2012.

3) After Strategy approvement by the Zlín Region Council, the strategy was presented to the representatives of the Zlín Region and has been published on the website since February 2022. The public had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Strategy via the regional magazine in May 2022. In 2023, a seminar Active with BESIP was held by Zlín Region, focusing on road safety.

4) The implementation of the action plan had a significant media coverage within the Zlín Region and the Czech Republic. A well-developed action plan is one of the key parameters in achievement of road safety. At the beginning of 2023, mayors of municipalities in the Zlín Region were informed about the funding grants in 2023. The grant program is marked by RP11-23. Furthermore, the Zlín Region focused on addressing accident locations in collaboration with road administrators. This involved modifications and other systematic traffic measures aimed at reducing loss of life and property.

Supporting materials