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Professional Cyclist Imogen Cotter Launches new safety campaign with the RSA and Škoda Ireland

Professional Cyclist Imogen Cotter Launches new safety campaign with the RSA and Škoda Ireland A new RSA report shows that for every one person killed while cycling, there were 25 seriously injured*. 9% of people seriously injured while cycling was a result of a hit and run incident. ‘Failure to observe’ by other drivers was their most frequently noted action (38%) in collisions where people who cycle were seriously injured.
Data oriented and supported measures to protect vulnerable road users by understanding behavioural aspects at different infrastructural sections is mandatory for professional and successful pro-active road safety work. Usual data collection within the road safety sector is provided by short-timed data collection by hand or police-initiated reports after crashes happened. For better results in research and infrastructure planning, much more data over longer timespans is needed to provide better understanding on traffic flow mechanics, human behaviour and infrastructural effects on both former topics.
With the Mobility Observation Box (MOB) an image sensor based solution to collect, measure and evaluate trajectory data that integrates seamless into traffic flows without interfering them was developed to overcome the data collection issues. MOB is able to collect data for up to 14 consecutive days on-site with machine learning based post-processing of relevant safety KPIs such as TTC and PET. The technology is battery-powered and can be mounted nearly everywhere due to its lightweight.
Years before, "fleet size" was the only criteria to prioritize risk. Focus was mainly on countries with bigger fleets, where audits, programs reviews and inspections were continuously and repeatedly performed. With the combination of multi input of data like: program review & audit scores, last audit performed, SAFE FLEET Team presence, fleet size, vehicle ownership, performance (CPMM and IPMM), BTW completion, High Risk Drivers %, SIF-p, we were able to identify and predict more accurate where risk resides and finally define good/strong strategic action plans.
Apart from the bad road network and climatic conditions, other causes of road accidents on some of the roads have been linked to negligence of drivers and mechanical errors. other courses of road accidents include drink driving, faulty traffic light, faulty streetlight, highway attackers, fake engine oil, fake brake fluid, mechanical error, potholes. overloading, poor eyesight, Insufficient lighting conditions; unlit roads pose danger to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists, including threat to security.
A vehicle manufacturers document shows that, vehicles are equipped with 4 brakes to provide utmost safety on the roads, but our cheeks showed most drivers of commercial vehicles have disconnected 2 of these brakes, posing danger on the roads. Also, worn-out tyres affect the performance of vehicles.
The main purpose of the project is to unite communities and professionals from different areas of activity with the aim of reaffirming each person's right to safe journeys. The central message of this campaign is that every life matters on the road.

10 years after the creation of Drumul in siguranta weblog, Industrie Mica Prahova SA launches the study ”SPEED– a leading cause of road accidents”

Ploiesti, February 16, 2023 –On the 10th anniversary of the creation of Drumul in siguranta weblog, Industrie Mică Prahova SA brings to the public attention a new study dedicated to improving road safety, this time addressing the issue of speed.

15 May 2023 00:00 – 21 May 2023 23:59
This initiative highlights the dangers of speeding with an aim of increasing compliance with speed limits, deterring motorists from driving at excessive or inappropriate speed and ultimately reducing the number of serious road traffic collisions this Christmas and New Year period in particular. To date, 156 people have lost their lives on Irish roads this year. This is 28 more than on this day last year. There has been some 1,172 serious collisions resulting in injury, often life altering.
13 November 2022 23:00 – 20 November 2022 22:00
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