Initiative details
We are focusing on the most common causation factors of accidents/collsions on roads.
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Young adults 17-25
Company employees
Fleet operators
Car drivers
Car drivers – professional
Van drivers
Create awareness
Organisation details
Road Safety Ireland
Scotstown, Co. Monaghan
Contact name
David Smyth
Telephone number
00 353 47 89045
Website link
Project activities
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
We provide interactive immersive learning using virtual reality and physcial activities. These are proven to be the most effective in modifying behaviour/creating best practice habits. From October 2018 until present
In terms of implementation, what worked well and what challenges did you need to overcome?
Worked well: The interactive element is most effective training.
Challenges: Building drivers confidence with using the skid pan/driving on ice vehicle. Increase awareness how effective brakes are when used correctly.
Challenges: Building drivers confidence with using the skid pan/driving on ice vehicle. Increase awareness how effective brakes are when used correctly.
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
We provided training ESB Appreciates and for other companies / organisation. Were the content is specifically modified to their industry needs/requirements.
Please summarise how you have evaluated the initiative’s impact (e.g. social media reach, survey, feedback forms, statistics).
Feed back forms from participants.
What has been the effect of the activities?
Ulimately the effect has been positive. We are working with insurance companies to develop a specific course for young drivers under 25 / business drivers and hope to launch this element at the end of 2024 / start of 2025
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
As a centre of excellence for Road Safety Training we strive to be the best at what we do. And provide a unique road safety training taylored to the needs of each businesses.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
Alot of project and work we do is inconjunction with the organisations / companies safety teams and it continuely and evolves as per their requirements.
Supporting materials