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In-depth accidents analysis is a unique research activity conducted by Transport Research Centre (CDV). Data from In-depth Accident Analysis provide a comprehensive view of all the factors related to a particular accident and serve to identify the characteristics leading to the crash occurrence and how they affect its consequences.
In – depth Road Accident Analysis includes following research areas:
-transport infrastructure,
-vehicle design and construction,
-human factor and psychology
-medical research.
Our activities are realized in long-term horizon and all the research is subjected to strict conditions, including personal data protection.

We conduct traffic accident research within the National Centre of Czech In-Depth Accidents Analysis (CzIDAS). One of its aims is cooperation with entities that could further use the results of research, for example road owners or administrators, vehicle designers and also researchers etc.
The CzIDAS data is used for various purposes and helps to face current road safety challenges:
- Due to its comprehensiveness, Czech in-depth crash analysis is one of the most effective tools for targeted and comprehensive decision-making on measures related to road safety and the establishment of the National Road Safety Strategy and other government documents related to road safety.
 CzIDAS is a source of unique information for targeting preventive information campaigns. The use of in-depth data allows us to influence road users using real crash scenarios with their consequences and highlights specific risky behavior.
 the database creates also a unique framework for a number of educational activities, e.g. Education on children's traffic behavior in the form of LARP, methodology for teachers of traffic education, Seniors in road traffic, e-TESTs and teaching and training methodology for the initial education of examiners and for subsequent periodic education of examiners,
 The activity contributes to the creation of safe road infrastructure (infrastructure adjustments based on the measures as a result of in-depth crash analysis).
 The project serves and has the potential to serve as a unique source of data and knowledge for further research in this area, including autonomous control systems. Data was used eg. for the development of a specific technical element of passive safety to protect the cervical spine, the development of an element of active vehicle safety to mitigate the effect of primary contact between pedestrian and vehicle, etc.).
 The data also serves fo validation of models used for accident analysis or creation of knowledge-based database for forensic experts,.
 Traffic crashes, however, result not only in physical but also the psychical health damage and serious social consequences. Every road traffic accident has the potential to be a traumatic event and may result in significant disruption to the psychological integrity of the people involved. The impact of a road traffic accident can adversely affect the quality of mental and physical health and subsequently interfere with many areas of one's social life. The contribution of the project could be seen also in psychological assistance to the traffic accident victims at the scene of the traffic accident.
The Vision Hero initiative highlights an area where VM are compliant using Para 5.21 (5.21.2) of the European R48 Lighting Regulations in such cases where the rear lights are blocked by more than 50% by moving components (i.e. Rear Doors). Placing a notice AND communication in the vehicle (owners handbook) therefore gives the VM full compliance. However, the liability then reverts to the owners / operators to notify other road users of the presence of the vehicle. The initiative using Para 5.21 but 5.21.1 of the said mentioned regulation to result in the vehicle being seen with the rear door/s open - therefore the owners / operators have no requirement to notify other road users of the presence of the vehicle because the vehicle can be seen under these conditions. Major efforts were made to ensure that full compliance in accordance with 5.21.1 including Gaining E.U. Type Approval, all position, geometric visibility, colorimetric and photometric requirements were addressed. Both EU and National (Irish) legislation was fully adhered to when putting the kit together. The support slides and videos demonstrate the current situation and also shows a vast improvement when using the initiative kit proposed. This results in a massive road safety improvement pertaining to involved units in Europe.
Every year almost 2 million crashes are human-caused partially because of distraction and sleep, resulting in a staggering $287 billion in losses for insurance companies. WingDriver solves that using AI and your smartphone. Our technology alert drivers to keep them awake and focused.
WingDriverTM is the only company implementing Computer Vision and AI on smartphones and mobile operating systems to analyze combined facial analysis, vehicle inertial data and the vehicle surroundings to accurately identify driver drowsiness, fatigue, distraction and other driver states to prevent accidents.
The WingDriverTM tech uses smartphone cameras and sensors or the in-vehicle driver monitoring camera and Android automotive unit and combined with Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) research results, for the decision making processes that will identify the driver situation and alert drivers in real-time using audio and visual messages. Additionally, our Big Mobility Data strategy will enable us to understand the correlation between driver behavior and accidents with greater precision to accurately assess driver risk.
Our solution is based on:
- WingDriverTM Software Development Kit (SDK) - To enable any mobile application company or automotive manufacturers to include these safety features in their products;
- WingDriverTM Cloud data - Enabling for a better risk assessment and consequently improved insurance products;
- WingDriverTM App and White-label apps - Our iOS and Android apps are developed in a way that enables a quick change on the visuals to fit our client needs. Facilitating proof of concept activities.

WingDriverTM delivers a data driven solution to monitor, evaluate and reward safe drivers, enabling:
- Reduce operational costs - By preventing collisions with real time alerts, drivers will drive safer, cost related to insurance and maintenance will be decreased, and fleet uptime will be increased.
- Improve driver behaviour - By collecting accurate driver behavioral data (drive assist data, vehicle assist data and telematics), WingDriver enables personalized coaching and instruction, resulting in improved driving behavior and habits.
-Tailormade for insurance - By analyzing data on factors such as sleep, distraction, and overall driving performance, insurers can accurately assess and price risk for individual drivers (usage-based insurance).
- Keep customers engaged - Cutting-edge solution that adds valuable insights into customers’ driving behavior, their performance through personalized reports and their motivation with gamification elements such as rewards and challenges.
Unsafety is the main reason for people not to cycle. What makes cycling unsafe? It can be due to both objective elements such as inappropriate infrastructure, but also subjective elements such as the behaviour of other road users. To get more people cycling, it is important to locate, identify and address both elements.
The road safety challenge is motorists parking their vehicle on footpaths and cycle lanes, blocking access for pedestrians, cyclists, pushchairs and those with reduced mobility. This leads to vulnerable road users such as wheelchair users, the visually impaired, people with buggies, children and older pedestrians not having adequate room to walk safely, potentially forcing them out onto the road. Parking in cycle lanes forces cyclists out into mainstream traffic, where there is an increased risk of a collision occurring.

The book "My Hero" graces the libraries of the 110 schools of Rhodes following a decision by the Board of Directors of the Primary & Secondary School Committee of the Municipality of Rhodes. The goal is to adorn the libraries of all schools in the South Aegean Region.
I feel proud because I managed to write a book starting with my Hero who returns to Rhodes who meets his friends, operators, the Prime Minister of his country to talk about the human lives that are lost in the streets and with the aim of being read and for its readers to know the causes of traffic accidents, for my country, for the Strategic Road Safety Improvement Plan in Greece, for Europe, for World Victims' Remembrance Day, for supporting victims and everything about traffic accidents and how they can be reduced.
The drivers of An Post deliver to over 2 million addresses on a daily basis. Unfortunately, some drivers do not respect the speed limits or do not wear a seatbelt. The campaign also want to create more awareness around vehicle rollaway prevention and safe movement of vehicles.
13 May 2023 10:00 – 10:00
auditorium of the Transport and Communications Directorate of the Athens Central Regional Unit
A simply file to print and give in Public Administrations offices tò cooperate in fixing black spots.
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