Vision Heroes - Lighting Project LCV

Initiative details

The main road safety challenge was enforcement of the current European & National legislations.
The install of Vision Heroes Lighting Kit enhances the rear of an LCV (trailers with drop sides or pick up units with drop sides) it greatly improves the presence of units parked with the Original equipped (O/E) rear lamps lit* and the rear doors open to 90’.
This includes rear taillights, Turn Signal & Hazzard’s which are all incorporated within the O/E Lamps.

Initiative date

Who was/is your target audience?

Policy makers
Public authorities
Company employees
Fleet operators
Van drivers


Create awareness
Improve vehicles and infrastructure
Knowledge building and sharing
Provide alternative solutions

Organisation details

Auto Regulations Ltd
Kildare Town

Contact name

Jim Mulholland

Telephone number


Project activities

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

Vision Heroes Initiative – 2024 European Road Safety Charter Awards

Introduction: Several years ago, I noticed a safety related issue pertaining to N1, some M1 and rear drop tailgate trailer units. On studying these units in operation, it soon became very apparent in my opinion that this was a very serious road safety issue. An issue that involves the safety of not only “Vulnerable Road Users: Pedestrians & Cyclists” but all road users (Oncoming traffic and in particular the operators of Light Commercial Vehicles N1 units).
Issue in Hand:
European Regulation – R48 Lighting. Approval of vehicles regarding the installation of lighting and light signaling devices. (Para(s): 5.21 / 5.21.1 / 5.21.2 & 5.21.3)
* Attention should be given to the direction - in the event that the rear lamps are obstructed (>50%) – Placing of a warning triangle to notify other road users.

The Irish Road Traffic Act further confirms and supports the wording / direction within the European Lighting Regulation.

** Various national legislations within each EU Member State. Example above is that for Ireland.

Important Note: All vehicle manufacturers having model variants that the rear doors (moveable components) block the rear lights when opened to 90’ or more are Fully Compliant by implementing Para 5.21.2 = Place a remark in the communication form AND a notice in the vehicle. * Not ALL VM’s comply with 5.21.2. ** Para 5.21.3 confirms 5.21.2 does not apply to retro-reflectors.

Current Situation: 1. Units that the rear doors when open block the rear lights result in Zero Vision of the rear of the vehicle (Please refer to the attached support presentation(s)). 2. I researched and concluded that ALL operators spoken with were not aware of the issue in hand also were totally unaware of what the notice means. (Please refer to the attached presentation and samples of various notices displayed – I think you will agree that while there is a notice (on most but not all units) it is not very clear as to the message portrayed however, the notice AND remark if placed on the vehicle provides coverage but leaves an “in the dark” outcome.

Solution Reached: Presently VM’s avail of Para 5.21.2 Auto Regulations have zoned into Para 5.21.1 which in accordance with the Regulation R48 (pg28) is a clear option (wording states 521.1 OR 5.21.2 and are part of 5.21).
It is vital that ALL requirements of 5.21.1 are met - such as stipulated with the complete Para and indeed definitions of what is a “Lamp”. Auto Regulations developed a specific Lamp and secured European Type Approval. There was no lamp with EU type approval suitable to fit between the rear doors and it was vital that any solution was / is fully compliant. Developed a wire harness which allows easy fitment and also use a photoelectric sensor and relay box to allow full coverage within Para 5.21.1.

* Research concluded on all light commercial vehicles (N1).
* Issue arises on current models UIO on the road & new model variants.
* Detailed design and prototyping of solutions concluded / Design and ECE Compliant *
* Working prototype completed and is compliant with all necessary design requirements.
* Is applicable to N1 vehicle types (**270’ Rear French / Barn Doors) + some M1 units.
* Easy to manufacture (as a kit form – **x2 + Accessories)
Low unit cost to produce -Is a proprietary “plug and play” electrical harness module with lighting.

Results in: Compliance, Governess and Safety Improvement in accordance with Para 5.21.1. It has the effect of improvement from “Zero Vision” to “Vision Hero”.

** This initiative if supported and encouraged would provide such an improvement from a road safety point of view and it would allow the operators of involved units to not be required to place a warning triangle when parked and rear doors block >50% of the rear lights.

*** Disclaimer: The sample vehicles shown with the attached slides are only for reference and not intended to appoint any blame or indeed expose the manufacturer or operators in anyway.

**** Several slides show vehicles that transport/ carry people with reduced mobility and when taken in conjunction with other slides really highlights the seriousness of the actual situation and demonstrates the need for the initiative proposed.

In terms of implementation, what worked well and what challenges did you need to overcome?

The main obstacle was/is convincing Fleet operators to implement the kit. Most if not, all see the advantage of such a kit but feel it there is no legal enactment of the legislation then why take such action.
Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) have seen the benefits of the Vision Heroes and have embraced the concept of the installation of the kit. They have really taken the improvements that the kit provides and ALL areas within their business have given it their full support. This is very encouraging and full credit to GNI.

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

The project requires the support of the governing / implementing authorities in Ireland. Acceptance of Para 5.21.1 within the true spirit of the regulations and therefore enhancing the rear of the units involved for a better and safer road practice for all. In Ireland this would be RSA – It is vital that support is gained from them and also agreement that it is just not as easy as fitting additional lights to the rear – as compliance must be within the parameters of the regulations & legislation. This issue is European wide and again support from RSA is vital.
Auto Regulations has just secured its first Fleet Operator in Ireland who have agreed to install the Vision Hero Kit to Five of its units as a pilot case and roll out the kit to its entire fleet before the end of 2014.
Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) own and operate the National Gas Pipeline infrastructure and our Fleet Vehicles play a crucial part to ensure our network is operating at optimal levels from a maintenance and capital upgrade perspective, but we also operate an 24/7 emerging service, attending any reported leak anywhere on our network within one hour. As an organisation we place utmost importance on safety, for our staff, our customers, the public and our network, we say the there is nothing so important that it can’t be done safely! I feel that your innovative product is a fantastic solution to a little know problem and will keep our staff and fleet assets safer.

This is also the case with the remainder of the relevant authorities in E.U. Member States.
Auto Regulations would like to partner with Road Victims Associations in any country that it sells / installs the initiative kit.


Please summarise how you have evaluated the initiative’s impact (e.g. social media reach, survey, feedback forms, statistics).

Auto Regulations would use the ERSC Awards to showcase the importance of Vision Heroes lighting Project – LCV and in doing so would allow for more installs and therefore increase the awareness of the initiative and improve the safety of all road users.

What has been the effect of the activities?

After presenting the advantages and operation of the “Vision Hero” Additional Lamp Kit to GNI, Auto Regulations received the following response from the Fleet Manager of Gas Networks Ireland (GNI)
“I’ve presented the lights to various stakeholders across the business and the response was overwhelmingly positive. So much so that our Innovation Project Team have endorsed the project and are facilitating me to move ahead with a pilot fitout. What I’d like to do at this point is move forward with a pilot fitout of 5 of our Fleet Vehicles with a view to retrofitting our entire fleet by year end and, in particular, before the winter months are upon us.”

A lot of preparation work, investment in obtaining EU Type Approval and developing a fully compliant kit that covers all areas required under both European and National legislation. There is the perception that once both the requirements of 5.21.2 means coverage however, currently this means that ALL of the obligations are on the operators. By submitting this initiative to the European Road Safety Charter Awards would really support the benefits and improvements of such a kit. It will allow for a massive improvement in safety of all involved and in fact it is with keeping within the framework of the regulations / legislation. It will make the units more visible when used under the conditions outlined, it should allow for not having to place a warning triangle and the requirements of using same. Not all manufacturers / distributors meet the requirements of 5.21.2 – some have only one of the requirements and they are either not aware of their obligations or they accept to leave things as is theory. This is truly frightening in my opinion but actual.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

Excellent example of improving / enhancing the rear of the vehicle (with one or both rear doors open to 90’ and obstructing the rear lights). The examples shown within the supporting documents coupled with the regulations / legislation provided make for the massive road safety improvement by this kit / initiative. The initiative goes to extreme lengths to ensure that each requirement is covered and using the 5.21.1 of Regulation R48 Lighting provides full compliance, it also ensures that every area has been investigated and results in the initiative will have a major improvement on road safety in this area. The initiative highlights the importance of developing a kit that ticks all the necessary requirements in meeting the stringent contents of the regulations – the kit is compliant in every way and is not just placing additional lights on the units involved. This is a very good example and one that is vital because any such kit MUST meet the compliance of the EU.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

I feel that by submitting this application to the European Road Safety Awards should have a massive backing to the project / initiative going forward. It will also reward Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) for taking the initiative to install the Kit thus improving the safety of Vulnerable Road Users: Pedestrians and cyclists along with their operators.
This will have an impact when seeking the input and involvement of fleet, Government and NGOs coupled with owners of involved units installing the initiative to their units.
The participation of the awards will be used to promote the initiative / kit going forward. Increase the sales / fitment of the initiative / kit.

Supporting materials