First name

José Luis

Last name

San Román García

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The Institute for the Vehicle Safety Assurance, belonging to the Carlos III University of Madrid, is active in various areas within the automotive and transport sector. Among its activities there are R&D projects related to the automotive field, especially with aspects related to road safety, scientific research reflected on various international papers, doctoral theses and research, service and consultancy activities to companies in the sector and postgraduate training and refresher courses. One area of the Institute has been researching on topics related to Intelligent Vehicles for more tan 20 years. Several systems have been developed for the perception, in roads and urban environments, of traffic signs and road markings and all the types of obstacles that a vehicle can face: other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and generic obstacles. In order to do that, the group has been researching on several kinds of sensors like visible spectrum and infrared cameras, lasers, radars and on how to fuse the sensorial information form different types. Other area of the Institute is specialized in software development for automotive, among which are several initiatives related to collaboration between vehicles each other, infrastructure and drivers through integration of architectures Internet of the Things and mass analysis data. Presently, the ISVA has two autonomous vehicles available, so it is developing communication and cooperation modules between them. The Intelligent Systems Lab has got funding from several government agencies as well as collaboration projects with different private companies.
