Tuesday, June 25, 2024
We continually see in the media news of accidents involving cyclists.
During recent years, the use of bicycles has increased significantly and according to forecasts, this growth will continue in the coming years since many European policies are aimed at promoting the use of this vehicle as an alternative means of transport.
This increase in bicycle use is accompanied by an increase in accidents, which has caused great concern in society since this group is the only one in which the number of deaths has increased since 2010.
For this reason, SOSTRAFFIC BIKE was born as a safety element for cyclists, helping them, on the one hand, to inform other drivers of their position on the road, both visually through flashes of light and telematically via connectivity to the DGT 3.0 platform, and on the other hand, provide the contact with the best possible information for the location of the injured person and reduce the response time in locating them, which will increase the survival rate.
On the other hand, the maps used by SOSTRAFFIC include roads and mountain trails, so in the event of a fall, the entire route taken by the cyclist will be recorded from the start and will allow for quick geolocation. This is important since in the event of a fall in the mountains, this information can be key to accessing the injured person quickly.
The SOSTRAFFIC BIKE project It is an innovative product connected to the DGT 3.0 cloud.
This device has a light to visually warn drivers of the cyclist's presence, a camera with a microphone to record everything that happens during the journey, an App linked to the device and a connection to the DGT 3.0 cloud.
When the cyclist starts the route, it sends a message to these contacts with a link where they can check his position and the route taken at a given moment. At the end of the route they receive an end of route message.
During the route, it sends the cyclist's position in real time to the DGT 3.0 cloud so that navigators, cars or any other device connected to this cloud can receive the information and alert the driver of the presence of a cyclist on the route, even if he is in a curve or area not visible to the driver.
In the event of a fall, a countdown starts which, if not deactivated, sends a message to the contacts indicating the location of the accident and the route taken by the cyclist from the beginning of the route to the fall on a 3D map (this is important especially in falls on mountain trails) and a video with sound of what happened just before, during and after the fall.
The video will allow us to identify the reason for the accident, even use it as evidence in case the vehicle flees and the images of the accident will be recorded on the SOSTRAFFIC server
If the cyclist enters an area without telephone coverage and the time that passes is greater than the preset in the App, the device automatically sends a notice with the route taken, time without coverage and possible location of the cyclist.
During recent years, the use of bicycles has increased significantly and according to forecasts, this growth will continue in the coming years since many European policies are aimed at promoting the use of this vehicle as an alternative means of transport.
This increase in bicycle use is accompanied by an increase in accidents, which has caused great concern in society since this group is the only one in which the number of deaths has increased since 2010.
For this reason, SOSTRAFFIC BIKE was born as a safety element for cyclists, helping them, on the one hand, to inform other drivers of their position on the road, both visually through flashes of light and telematically via connectivity to the DGT 3.0 platform, and on the other hand, provide the contact with the best possible information for the location of the injured person and reduce the response time in locating them, which will increase the survival rate.
On the other hand, the maps used by SOSTRAFFIC include roads and mountain trails, so in the event of a fall, the entire route taken by the cyclist will be recorded from the start and will allow for quick geolocation. This is important since in the event of a fall in the mountains, this information can be key to accessing the injured person quickly.
The SOSTRAFFIC BIKE project It is an innovative product connected to the DGT 3.0 cloud.
This device has a light to visually warn drivers of the cyclist's presence, a camera with a microphone to record everything that happens during the journey, an App linked to the device and a connection to the DGT 3.0 cloud.
When the cyclist starts the route, it sends a message to these contacts with a link where they can check his position and the route taken at a given moment. At the end of the route they receive an end of route message.
During the route, it sends the cyclist's position in real time to the DGT 3.0 cloud so that navigators, cars or any other device connected to this cloud can receive the information and alert the driver of the presence of a cyclist on the route, even if he is in a curve or area not visible to the driver.
In the event of a fall, a countdown starts which, if not deactivated, sends a message to the contacts indicating the location of the accident and the route taken by the cyclist from the beginning of the route to the fall on a 3D map (this is important especially in falls on mountain trails) and a video with sound of what happened just before, during and after the fall.
The video will allow us to identify the reason for the accident, even use it as evidence in case the vehicle flees and the images of the accident will be recorded on the SOSTRAFFIC server
If the cyclist enters an area without telephone coverage and the time that passes is greater than the preset in the App, the device automatically sends a notice with the route taken, time without coverage and possible location of the cyclist.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Con el objeto de llegar a los objetivos de la Visión Cero de reducir la siniestralidad en las vías ha surgido la nueva normativa GSR-II, con la cual pasa a ser obligatoria la incorporación de nuevos elementos de seguridad activa en los vehículos europeos. Esta normativa comienza a aplicarse a partir de julio de 2024 para todos los vehículos nuevos, entre los que se encuentran los autobuses, pero ¿qué hay de las flotas que ya se encuentran en circulación?
Los autobuses urbanos suponen un medio de transporte eficaz para desplazarse, siendo en este sentido EMT Madrid un elemento básico de movilidad en la capital española. La edad media de las flotas en España, de unos 11,5 años según la AEFA, señala que el periodo de tiempo que pasará hasta que la totalidad de la flota que se encuentra en circulación cuente con los sistemas de seguridad activa necesarios para reducir los riesgos de su convivencia con los usuarios vulnerables en la vía puede ser mayor al deseado.
Para poder acercar estas soluciones a los vehículos que ya se encuentran en circulación, acelerando su proceso de optimización y alargando el uso y evitando su obsolescencia, Sistemas ADAS ha trabajado junto a la EMT Madrid y a los desarrolladores de esta tecnología para adaptarla a dichos vehículos.
Los autobuses urbanos suponen un medio de transporte eficaz para desplazarse, siendo en este sentido EMT Madrid un elemento básico de movilidad en la capital española. La edad media de las flotas en España, de unos 11,5 años según la AEFA, señala que el periodo de tiempo que pasará hasta que la totalidad de la flota que se encuentra en circulación cuente con los sistemas de seguridad activa necesarios para reducir los riesgos de su convivencia con los usuarios vulnerables en la vía puede ser mayor al deseado.
Para poder acercar estas soluciones a los vehículos que ya se encuentran en circulación, acelerando su proceso de optimización y alargando el uso y evitando su obsolescencia, Sistemas ADAS ha trabajado junto a la EMT Madrid y a los desarrolladores de esta tecnología para adaptarla a dichos vehículos.
Thursday, June 20, 2024
The safety and interaction of cyclists during infrastructure conservation and repair works are significantly impacted by changes made, potentially leading to new conflicts between cyclist traffic and vehicles.
The BIKEFLOW project's objective is to enhance cyclist safety in critical areas identified within modified sections during ongoing conservation efforts. By employing video analytics and Artificial Intelligence, we can examine the movements and potential interactions of cyclists and vehicles. This technology utilizes video analysis to forecast safety levels before incidents happen, enabling the identification of vehicles, routes, and speeds, with the capability to present data in real-time or upon request. In light of these analyses, permanent cameras have been installed at the junction of N-110 and N-502 to conduct surrogate safety assessments. This involves applying various configurations to the route to analyze the behavior of road users (both vehicles and cyclists) and to train an AI model that determines the most suitable layout configuration. The findings are then applied to adjust signage, lower speed limits, establish protected lanes at critical junctures, or modify paths as necessary.
The BIKEFLOW project's objective is to enhance cyclist safety in critical areas identified within modified sections during ongoing conservation efforts. By employing video analytics and Artificial Intelligence, we can examine the movements and potential interactions of cyclists and vehicles. This technology utilizes video analysis to forecast safety levels before incidents happen, enabling the identification of vehicles, routes, and speeds, with the capability to present data in real-time or upon request. In light of these analyses, permanent cameras have been installed at the junction of N-110 and N-502 to conduct surrogate safety assessments. This involves applying various configurations to the route to analyze the behavior of road users (both vehicles and cyclists) and to train an AI model that determines the most suitable layout configuration. The findings are then applied to adjust signage, lower speed limits, establish protected lanes at critical junctures, or modify paths as necessary.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Our experience shows that most road accidents are caused by human error. Various analyses carried out by ALSA show that most road accidents are caused by inappropriate driver behaviour.
In order to manage road safety proactively, it is necessary to have a detailed and rigorous knowledge of the performance and behaviour of each driver in order to know their skills and behaviours, as well as to track their evolution over time.
To this end, ALSA has invested in technology in more than 3,700 vehicles in Spain that allows us to measure speeding, monitor various parameters that reflect driving style and detect various driver behaviours using innovative smart camera technology.
These smart cameras are based on "machine vision” and "artificial intelligence" (MV+IA) systems, which allow us to detect 40 types of driver behaviour and are particularly noteworthy for their innovation.
The data provided by the aforementioned technologies is used to calculate the risk profile of each driver. ALSA defines personalised actions for each driver: training, assignment to certain vehicles and routes, greater follow-up and monitoring, etc.
In addition, each driver has access to the data available on their own performance through an internal app (called "MiAlsa"). In this way, drivers can consult information on their own performance (consumption, driving styles, speeding, incidents, etc.).
In order to manage road safety proactively, it is necessary to have a detailed and rigorous knowledge of the performance and behaviour of each driver in order to know their skills and behaviours, as well as to track their evolution over time.
To this end, ALSA has invested in technology in more than 3,700 vehicles in Spain that allows us to measure speeding, monitor various parameters that reflect driving style and detect various driver behaviours using innovative smart camera technology.
These smart cameras are based on "machine vision” and "artificial intelligence" (MV+IA) systems, which allow us to detect 40 types of driver behaviour and are particularly noteworthy for their innovation.
The data provided by the aforementioned technologies is used to calculate the risk profile of each driver. ALSA defines personalised actions for each driver: training, assignment to certain vehicles and routes, greater follow-up and monitoring, etc.
In addition, each driver has access to the data available on their own performance through an internal app (called "MiAlsa"). In this way, drivers can consult information on their own performance (consumption, driving styles, speeding, incidents, etc.).
Monday, June 17, 2024
The “It Can Happen to You” program addresses the high incidence of traffic accidents resulting in deaths and injuries in Spain. It emphasizes the importance of continuous road safety education to reduce these incidents. Targeting children, the program aims to instill lifelong safe behaviors as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, passengers, and drivers. It focuses on key issues such as risk perception, distractions, speed, the effects of alcohol and drugs, and proper use of safety equipment. By illustrating the consequences of unsafe behaviors, the program fosters responsible and respectful attitudes towards road safety.
Friday, June 14, 2024
En los últimos 10 años han muerto 30 mil ciclistas en la UE, según el ETSC.
También ha habido 300 mil ciclistas lesionados graves. Las lesiones cervicales son las graves más frecuentes que sufren los ciclistas, así lo concluyen varios estudios que, incluso, señalan al ciclismo como la principal causa de lesiones cervicales en hombres.
También ha habido 300 mil ciclistas lesionados graves. Las lesiones cervicales son las graves más frecuentes que sufren los ciclistas, así lo concluyen varios estudios que, incluso, señalan al ciclismo como la principal causa de lesiones cervicales en hombres.
Friday, June 14, 2024
Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable users of the urban environment, especially now with the new forms of travel that put them in danger: Personal Mobility Vehicles. The year 2023 ended in Spain with a balance of 118 pedestrian deaths. The most common type of accident they face is run over, which is more common in cities than on interurban roads.PROIN's Intelligent Pedestrian Crossing alerts drivers to the presence of a pedestrian in the vicinity of the crossing with the intention of crossing it. Our system is capable of detecting pedestrians at a distance of more than two hundred meters, simultaneously activating a set of vertical and horizontal warning signs for drivers. The vertical signage is made up of two high-brightness HI LED type signs that operate at slow flashing and minimum brightness while there are no pedestrians in the vicinity, increasing their intensity to the maximum when they detect the pedestrian. Horizontal signage delimits the passage through reflectors or LED plates, reinforcing the alert to drivers. It is a preventive, sustainable system with low energy consumption, improving mobility by reducing accident rates.
Friday, June 14, 2024
El desafío es implementar una iniciativa que permite mejorar y poner en práctica acciones que reduzcan los enclaves de concentración de accidentes, recogiendo el propósito de “Avanzar juntos hacia una movilidad segura”, compartiendo y comprometiéndonos a conseguir unos objetivos, desarrollando unas actividades que permite abordar con éxito el problema de la seguridad vial urbana en la Ciudad de Madrid, la segunda Ciudad Europea con mayor población.