ABIMOTA - Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Duas Rodas, Ferragens, Mobiliário e Atividades Complementares dos Setores Representados

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ABIMOTA - Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Duas Rodas, Ferragens, Mobiliário e Atividades Complementares dos Setores Representados

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ABIMOTA was created on July 1, 1975 by a group of entrepreneurs in the two-wheeled vehicle sector. These pioneers drafted the association's statutes and established its mission to promote the development and progress of the industry and the defense of its interests. Currently, the Association has more than two hundred associated companies, contributing tens of millions of euros per year to Portugal's GDP and with a strong export component. In pursuit of its objectives, ABIMOTA has undertaken several initiatives that aim to contribute significantly to the dynamism and growth of the sector. From this point of view, it began to provide its members with information resources to fill possible knowledge gaps. ABIMOTA has regularly organized seminars, workshops and training courses, almost always supported by partner organizations.


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