
Increasing the safety and visibility of pedestrian crossings has to be a priority, especially in an urban environment. In Porto, 31,2% of all travels are done walking, with the exponential rise of tourism most likely increasing that value over the next few years. We set out to highlight pedestrian crossings without traffic lights in main streets, but also to induce the idea that pedestrian crossings with traffic lights in main streets are safer. In Porto, there are 298 intersections regulated by traffic lights.

Assisting +300 ride-hailing drivers in Portugal!

Member since: June 2023
Submitted by WingDriver on

The best practice in our community is using WingDriver's driving assistant algorithm that alerts drivers for dangerous behavior like distraction, fatigue and drowsiness.

We launched a targeted campaign to support, for free, +300 ride-hailing drivers in Portugal. In less than 30 days we've generated 200 wake-up alerts and almost 5000 distraction alerts while driving. It's been very impactful.

Let us know if you'd want support in launching something like this.

Every year almost 2 million crashes are human-caused partially because of distraction and sleep, resulting in a staggering $287 billion in losses for insurance companies. WingDriver solves that using AI and your smartphone. Our technology alert drivers to keep them awake and focused.
WingDriverTM is the only company implementing Computer Vision and AI on smartphones and mobile operating systems to analyze combined facial analysis, vehicle inertial data and the vehicle surroundings to accurately identify driver drowsiness, fatigue, distraction and other driver states to prevent accidents.
The WingDriverTM tech uses smartphone cameras and sensors or the in-vehicle driver monitoring camera and Android automotive unit and combined with Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) research results, for the decision making processes that will identify the driver situation and alert drivers in real-time using audio and visual messages. Additionally, our Big Mobility Data strategy will enable us to understand the correlation between driver behavior and accidents with greater precision to accurately assess driver risk.
Our solution is based on:
- WingDriverTM Software Development Kit (SDK) - To enable any mobile application company or automotive manufacturers to include these safety features in their products;
- WingDriverTM Cloud data - Enabling for a better risk assessment and consequently improved insurance products;
- WingDriverTM App and White-label apps - Our iOS and Android apps are developed in a way that enables a quick change on the visuals to fit our client needs. Facilitating proof of concept activities.

WingDriverTM delivers a data driven solution to monitor, evaluate and reward safe drivers, enabling:
- Reduce operational costs - By preventing collisions with real time alerts, drivers will drive safer, cost related to insurance and maintenance will be decreased, and fleet uptime will be increased.
- Improve driver behaviour - By collecting accurate driver behavioral data (drive assist data, vehicle assist data and telematics), WingDriver enables personalized coaching and instruction, resulting in improved driving behavior and habits.
-Tailormade for insurance - By analyzing data on factors such as sleep, distraction, and overall driving performance, insurers can accurately assess and price risk for individual drivers (usage-based insurance).
- Keep customers engaged - Cutting-edge solution that adds valuable insights into customers’ driving behavior, their performance through personalized reports and their motivation with gamification elements such as rewards and challenges.
Atividades no parque de manobras
A Criança como Peão, como passageiro e como condutor de bicicleta. Utilizar sistemas de retenção, conhecer e utilizar as vias e sinais rodoviários básicos.
Na sequência de um sinistro rodoviário, por vezes, surgem na via detritos e resíduos sólidos e/ou líquidos provenientes das partes do veículo (como vidros, plásticos, óleo, gasóleo) que, se não forem retirados e limpos prontamente, podem constituir um fator de risco para a ocorrência de novos acidentes.

Muitas vezes, pela falta de meios operacionais e especialização técnica, os mesmos são deixados nas vias, tornando-as menos seguras e mais poluídas.
Outras vezes, os resíduos são limpos com produtos poluentes e/ou deixados na berma da estrada, acabando por ficar no solo.

Alguns acidentes podem também provocar Danos ao Mobiliário Urbano, que, em muitos casos, se mostra também essencial para a segurança das vias e informação dos seus utentes (por exemplo, sinalização vertical, barreiras de proteção, entre outros).

A Eurosistra Portugal, Lda – Segurança e Ambiente pretende, assim, através do seu trabalho diário:
• Reduzir a taxa de sinistralidade rodoviária causada pela ausência ou ineficaz limpeza da via após a ocorrência de um acidente rodoviário;
• Garantir a correta e segura normalização da circulação rodoviária no mais curto espaço de tempo possível;
• Colaborar e apoiar as entidades gestoras da via na melhoria da Gestão da Segurança Rodoviária e da segurança das suas Infraestruturas Rodoviárias;
• Contribuir para a proteção do Ambiente ao proceder à limpeza das vias na sequência de um acidente de acordo com as disposições legais em vigor, em particular no que diz respeito à legislação ambiental;
• Colaborar com entidades gestoras das vias (públicas e privadas) na promoção de políticas sustentáveis dirigidas à redução da sinistralidade rodoviária e proteção do Meio Ambiente.
CTT is the universal postal operator in Portugal. With a large fleet (4000 vehicles) and thousands of workers on the roads (12.000), with intense activity, there are many accidents, most of them only with material damage (about 1300 year), a significant part with personal injuries (447 in 2014 and 257 in 2021 ), injuries and some deaths, thousands of lost work days (17000 in 2014, 5316 in 2020 and 5913 in 2021) and consequences in terms of quality of service.
More information attached.
As a result of a road accident, debris and waste from the parts from the vehicles often are left on the roads which, if not removed and promptly cleaned, can become a risk factor for the occurrence of new accidents. Due to the lack of operational resources and technical expertise, the waste from the cars, namely, oil, fuel, plastics and glasses, remain on the pavement, making them less safe and more polluted. Other times, the residues are cleaned with contaminating products and/or left on the side of the road, ending up on the ground, or simple wasted away with fire hoses to the fields, contaminating water lines and the surrounding areas. Some accidents can also cause damage to road safety equipment, which is essential for the safety of the drives or for the regular information placed on the roads, like vertical signage, protective barriers, information boards, among others. Eurosistra Portugal, Lda., with the registered brand "Seguranca e Ambiente" meaning Safety and Environment - manages, through its daily work, to act on these three main issues: Restore the Road Safety (by a proper and innovative solution and equipment for cleaning the road and removing and recycling all the waste recovered from the car accidents); the protection of the environment through the use of biological products and the removal of waste, including the liquids (that are usually washed away by other entities that work in this area); and finally the identification of damaged Urban Equipment, sent to the Civil Protection of the Townhall in which the accident occurred, in order to assure its fast replacement. Reinforcing and strengthening road safety, protecting drivers and all those who travel on the roads, as well as protecting and respecting the environment, are the basic principles on which our project is built, which are set up in the European Road Safety Charter. EUROSISTRA PORTUGAL established an ambitious objective called “ OBJECTIVE ZERO ACCIDENTS AFTER AN ACCIDENT", with the strong belief that this project has a direct and important contribution to reducing accidents caused due the existence of waste from a previous accident that was not taken care of in the proper way, whether by poor cleaning or no cleaning at all. Thus, the main objectives of this project are: - Reduce the rate of road accidents caused by the inexistent or poor cleaning of pavements after a road accident; - Ensure the correct and safe return to normal road traffic in the shortest possible time, assuring the reestablishment of road safety; - Contribute to the Environmental Protection by cleaning the roads according to legal requirements, in particular to environmental legislation, and thus, also promoting sustainable policies directed to reducing road accidents. The target audience of Eurosistra Portugal are all agents and entities that manage roads and their safety, namely the Municipalities/City Halls, Road Concessions and Civil Protection, along with other entities called upon when a car accident occurs, namely police and fireman. Since it is their responsibility to keep the roads safe, we ally to these entities to improve road safety conditions and reduce the car accidents, through establishing protocols and partnerships that allow us to implement the service on their roads and to have a closer relationship with the operational and civil protection agents.
My clients with large car fleets ask me for an objective reduction in road risks for their drivers. I have been studying and investigating the most frequent causes for over 20 years, as well as the factors that enhance their occurrence, in order to transmit them in the best way possible. I am also concerned with improving the skills of drivers in order to improve any procedure in car driving. In order to train heavy and light car drivers, I established several partnerships with several car manufacturers. My goals are to reduce road risk by more than 30% for car fleets with more than 50 cars, as well as a decrease in fuel consumption by more than 5%. My recipients are car fleets of heavy and light vehicles. I've worked with over 200 companies in 10 countries on 4 continents.

“A vida merece algo além do aumento da sua velocidade.”

Member since: April 2017
Submitted by SERNIS on

September 21 is the European Day celebrated without death on the road and between 10am and 12am SERNIS and GNR of Braga promote a "STOP Operation" carried out by GNR in 3 entrances of the city of Braga. With this action, we wanted to sensitize drivers to the need to drive at speeds within the set limit and at appropriate speeds. The brochures were distributed to drivers with relevant information, in which we asked whether "Earning 5 minutes early is worth the risk?" Showing the differences between a collision at 50 km / h and a collision at 80 km / h can cause a child.

11 April 2014 00:00
Salão Nobre
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