Initiative details
My clients with large car fleets ask me for an objective reduction in road risks for their drivers. I have been studying and investigating the most frequent causes for over 20 years, as well as the factors that enhance their occurrence, in order to transmit them in the best way possible. I am also concerned with improving the skills of drivers in order to improve any procedure in car driving. In order to train heavy and light car drivers, I established several partnerships with several car manufacturers. My goals are to reduce road risk by more than 30% for car fleets with more than 50 cars, as well as a decrease in fuel consumption by more than 5%. My recipients are car fleets of heavy and light vehicles. I've worked with over 200 companies in 10 countries on 4 continents.
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Fleet operators
Van drivers
Lorry/truck drivers
Knowledge building and sharing
Organisation details
APM Safe & Efficient Driving
Contact name
Pedro Montenegro
Telephone number
Website link
Project activities
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
I have always tried to have partnerships in Portugal such as the Portuguese Association of Advanced Driving Training Centers, IAM UK, Smith System USA, IRU Switzerland among others, as Consultant, Speaker, Coordinator and Trainer.
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
Collaboration with training centers in defensive driving in Portugal where I was a trainer, coordinator and director, such as APM & JC Consultoria e Forma Lda. 15 years, PRM Active Driving Training 6 years, CRM Active Driving Training 5 years. I worked with several national and international training entities. Courses in Defensive Driving, Advanced Car Driving, Efficient Driving (objective reduction of fuel consumption and wear of the organs of the car and truck). For me, to know more and get the best skills I obtained certifications from institutions such as IAM Roadcraft UK, Smith system USA, IRU Switzerland, Michelin Solutions Belgium and France, MAN Truck & Bus ProfiDrive Germany, PRP Portugal among others. In Portugal I made several partnerships to obtain more knowledge and loan of heavy and light vehicles, such as Auto Sueco Minho 5 years, Carclasse Braga 3 years, Peugeot Citroen Porto 3 years, MAN Portugal 3 years. I held hundreds of face-to-face meetings to get clients to attend my services to objectively reduce road risk as well as reduce fuel consumption. I have already implemented practical and theoretical actions in 4 continents, 5 countries in Africa (Angola 4 times), 2 in Asia: Myanmar and Oman, South America: Brazil and Chile, Europe: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Germany. Results that my clients obtained with the help of training actions: Apetro Portugal 80% reduction in overturning of fuel tanker trucks from 2003 to 2008. In 2008 I authored the first Anti Rollover course for recycling tanker truck drivers. Petrotec and Petroassist 42% reduction in accidents after practical and theoretical training after training 70 drivers. Average of more than 30% in the reduction of accidents compared to the previous year in defensive driving actions and more than 50% in the reduction of blame in the road accidents involved. Most of the actions include accompanied car driving, actions to improve driving procedures in large spaces limited to car traffic, coaching actions in open traffic within localities, rural roads and highways.
What has been the effect of the activities?
Results that my clients obtained with the help of training actions: Apetro Portugal 80% reduction in overturning of fuel tanker trucks from 2003 to 2008 communication by the BP fuel company. Petrotec and Petroassist Portugal 42% reduction in accidents after practical and theoretical training after training 70 drivers, communication from the company's occupational safety officer. Average of more than 30% in the reduction of accidents compared to the previous year in defensive driving actions and more than 50% in the reduction of blame in the road accidents involved.
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
My continuing work on determining the causes as well as safer driving procedures have helped thousands of drivers all over the world to pragmatically reduce road risk. The vast majority of drivers I've worked with were unsure about the higher frequency of accident causes, as well as many doubts about safer driving procedures. The pedagogical models that I have always followed were several practical training components in limited spaces, driving accompanied in open transit with coaching technics, as well as theoretical components with confirmation of knowledge before and after the training actions.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
facebook - Pedro Montenegro instagram - ampadrive