UKRO is a fast moving dynamic organisation that is determined to push vehicle extrication and Trauma care to its professional pinnacle and to drive the national agenda on road death reduction.
A major part of the Organisations work is its International Development Programme (IDP). The IDP has been running for the past 12 years and it seeks to work closely with Governments whose countries are facing the greatest challenges in relation to Road traffic collisions. The UKRO is a founder member of FIRE AID and a major contributor to the equipment data base. The UKRO IDP has had considerable successes in Ghana, Russia, Romania and Moldova in addition to its work with colleagues in Western Europe.
IDP is able to offer opportunities to other countries that require assistance in developing rescue and emergency medical capabilities when dealing with the aftermath of road traffic collisions (rescue challenge concept).
During the past 12 years we have seen success in the following countries:
• Spain
Establish a Spanish national rescue organisation and rescue challenge concept
(on going - ends in 2009)
• Poland
Develop a 'train the trainer' system for Road Traffic Collisions in Poland and establish a national rescue organisation and the rescue challenge concept. We would anticipate that 12 people would be trained initially.
(on going - ends in 2010)
• Republic of Ireland
Support the establishment of a National Rescue Organisation and its inaugural Rescue Challenge (ROI).
• Hungary
Develop a 'train the trainer' system for Road Traffic Collisions in Hungary and establish a national rescue organisation and the rescue challenge concept. We would anticipate that 12 people would be trained initially.
• Moldova
Develop and Deliver a National train the trainers program for the Instruction of Road Traffic Collision training (Delivered 2014). Support the delivery of four fully equipped Rescue Appliances and two ambulances (Delivered 2014). Establish the Moldovan Rescue Organisation and its delivery of the inaugural Rescue Challenge (2014 – 2017).
In each country we will establish a project manager and team that will provide a detailed Mission and Recommendations report following any scoping visit. The report will include a Project Initiation Document that will set out the agreed future direction of the project with the host country.
For further information contact
Twitter @UKRO_IDP
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