HAK awards for videos on the topic "10 Golden Rules for Road Safety"

Since 2016 the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) hosts an annual competition for the production of short films on the topic “10 Golden Rules for Road Safety“ in order to promote creativity among young people up to the age of 24.

The best ones were chosen by representatives of the Croatian Radio Television, Academy of Dramatic Arts, Ministry of the Interior, Croatian Film Association, Digimark Ltd. and Croatian Automobile Club. The awarded films will be aired on the Croatian Radio Television as part of the "Traffic Info" programme.

The following authors were awarded this year:

1)      Ivan Kalmeta for the video – “Buckle Up“

2)      Ivan Furlan for the video – “Never Drink and Drive”

3)      Roko Tasovac for the video – “Respect Traffic Signs”


To read more and to watch the winning videos click here.

