Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

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Vehicle in the wrong direction.
After experiencing accidents due to vehicles entering highways in the opposite direction, we decided to bring a new innovative and modern system to stop this dangerous situation from happening ever again.
PRER (Plano Regional de Educação Rodoviária - Regional Road Safety Education Plan) goals were set considering that main indicators consider road accidents to be a serious public health problem, a catastrophe. The expressive numbers relating to road accidents do not choose age, gender, or social status of the individuals involved. The partnerships established and the invaluable support of different organizations are justified, on the one hand, by the mission of each one of them and, on the other, because road safety must be a priority for all. Since its creation in 2007/2008, the PRER goals have been to reduce road accidents, their consequences, and costs, as well as to increase a more sustainable mobility, building a true road safety culture. PRER has several different actions and measures which depend on the nature and age of the participants. They mainly involve children in pre-school education, students from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic Education and Secondary Education in schools (public and private) in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM). In the school year of 2020/2021, there was a coverage rate of around 50% (74), with a slight reduction due to the Covid-19 pandemic, involving practically ⅓ of the student population (15 thousand children and students). PRER also involves teachers and other school staff, as well as parents and guardians, and the surrounding civil community. In short, PRER seeks to involve the entire island (RAM) in which it is applied.

PF CONE - Connected Cone To Motor For Transport Department -DGT
Connecting our devices "PF LED ONE and PF CONE" to Motor For Transport Department in Spain (DGT) , Communications Service Provider and our server. Comply with DGT Legislation and Service Provider requirements. Lack of legislation within EU countries regarding the use of portable Road Safety "connected " beacons and cones. When activated, our products provide instant geolocation to; vehicles that have suffered an incident/accident, national control centres that supervise road works and hazard zones.
Every year, ca. 200 accidents happen on the Polish railroad crossings, leading to dozens of deaths. It was in public interest to make things change and keep the society safe. Up to 99% of incidents are a result of the drivers' recklessness and their non-compliance with the rules. Research shows that general knowledge about safety on railway's tracks and rail-road crossings is too low. 85% of Poles declare that they do not always comply with the traffic rules. Rush, ignorance, recklessness and lack of rationality are the main killers on the railway's tracks in Poland. Drivers routinely disregard the STOP sign, light signals or pass below the closing barriers. The problem concerns both regular and professional drivers. The goal was simple: the more people come into contact with knowledge about safety rules on railway's tracks and rail-road crossings, the less accidents on tracks will happen in the future. Target audiences are: the general public, Polish people, adults and children, road users, driving instructors.

1. Ridurre il numero di morti e feriti per incidenti stradali (5-7% fonte: ISTAT). 2. Tutelare l'ambiente e reintegrare le matrici ambientali compromesse da incidenti stradali e/o altri eventi calamitosi su strada (12% fonte: Ministero). 3. Ridurre in modo sostanziale (oltre il 25%) i costi sociali (in materia di sicurezza stradale e di impatto ambientale - risultati certificati). 4. Attivare una "cultura diffusa" di sicurezza stradale (attiva e passiva) e preservazione ambientale (attiva e passiva) con azioni territoriali mirate e continuative. 5. Informative e iniziative volte a sensibilizzare e responsabilizzare gli utenti della strada a tutti i livelli. 6. Migliorare la qualiti  della vita oggi e per le future generazioni (mediante sistemi di misurazione concreti, immodificabili e trasparenti). 7. Ridurre le truffe assicurative derivanti da incidenti stradali. 8. Creare una mappatura dei "black point" e monitorare l'attuale sistema infrastrutturale (area test: nazione Italia) così da stabilire le prioriti  di intervento. 9. Responsabilizzare e "avvicinare" l'intera popolazione (area test: nazione Italia) ai principi del Global Compact e dell'UE. 10. Fornire strumenti di tecnologia sofisticata e complessa e di interazione a tutta la popolazione (area test: nazione Italia).

1. Fornire agli utenti della strada a tutti i livelli una assistenza a 360 gradi rendendo la strada un ambiente "protetto" e "sicuro". 2. Fornire agli utenti della strada a tutti i livelli soluzioni reali e tempestive (intervenendo in un tempo massimo di 20 minuti dall'attivazione, 365/365). 3. Dare concessioni e co-creare partner nell'intera UE27 in prima battuta, e poi nel resto del mondo, sulle attività del mondo PISSTA.

1. Area test (dal 2012 al 2022): nazione Italia (con migliaia di interventi certificati). 2. Oltre 15 milioni di persone raggiunte sui 60 globali (area test: nazione Italia). 3. Concessioni UE27 (tutti gli utenti della strada a qualsiasi livello e a qualunque latitudine e longitudine).