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AECA-ITV (Asociación Española de Entidades Colaboradoras de la Administración en la Inspección Técnica de Vehículos) is the Spanish Association of Institutions Collaborating with the Government in Vehicle Inspection. It was founded in 1982 by the first private companies officially authorized by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism to perform Vehicle Inspection services for users who had to undergo the MOT test. AECA-ITV is a non profit business association, which at present comprehends virtually all the companies (both public and private) rendering Vehicle Inspection services in Spain; specifically 82 companies managing 405 Vehicle Inspection Centres, with 1023 inspection lanes altogether. The main activity of AECA-ITV is centred in the representation of all those corporations before the institutions and official agencies related to the world of automobile, road safety and environment, both national and international. Between these are: Central and Local Governments, automobile manufacturers, automobile parts manufacturers, insurance corporations, vehicle repair services, users associations, mass media, etc.


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