Traffic Research Group, Aalborg University

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Traffic Research Group, Aalborg University

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The research group is affiliated to the Division of Transportation Engineering.

The focus of the research group is largely the traffic safety of the roads. We focus on the role of the road, the road user as well as the vehicle regarding traffic safety; just as better accident data and working with accident surrogates are essential in the research group’s work. Our approach to working with traffic safety is interdisciplinary and spans from the engineer’s work with safe road design and development of safe vehicle technology, on to the statistician’s analysis of large data set and index studies and to the sociologist’s analysis of moral standards, opinions and behaviour.

Our method involves, among other things, working with intervention studies, index studies, qualitative interview and observation studies and also descriptive studies of the traffic safety of roads, road users and vehicles – including cohort studies. We also work with setting up accident models for the anticipated number of accidents on roads


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