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Describe your organisation

UAB was established on 3 July 1957 as a Bulgarian Automobile and Touring Club/BATC/ with the main objective to protect the interests of its Members and to create conditions for development of the automobile and karting sports and tourism in Bulgaria. Soon after its foundation, UAB became a Member of FIA, AIT and FICC. In 1972 BATC was renamed to “Union des automobilists Bulgares”/ UAB/ and the promotion of the road safety in the “People, road, automobile, and environment” system, was then added to the scope of the organization’s strategic objectives. One of UAB's main activities is road safety indeed. The Road Traffic situation in Bulgaria is quite disturbing, as each year more than 700 people are killed and many more are injured in traffic accidents in the roads of the country. Unfortunately, with 98 fatalities on 1 million of inhabitants, the country will not be able to meet the goals set by the UN Decade for safety of 50% reduction of people killed in traffic accidents.
