Micromobility riders

The aim of my project is to design a portable device or app to detect fast moving objects.

Approximately 2.2 million people globally are vision impaired.

As a vision impaired person, I have difficulty seeing oncoming vehicles and other hazards, such as electric cars or e-scooters.

For these reasons, I developed VIPMOD: Vision Impaired Person's Moving Object Detector.

Vision impaired people are not the only group of people with this difficulty.

People with other access needs, such as mobility disabilities, or people who are hearing impaired, will also benefit from VIPMOD, helping them to live safer and more independent lives.
Classic road safety equipment has always been passive, waiting for drivers to lose control, leave the road and suffer an accident against it. In that moment, they are necessary to contain and redirect the vehicle, as well as to reduce its severity and consequences. However, despite their generalized deployment in our roads, we still face deaths and severe injured.
PLUG&META® technology brings a new paradigm for road equipment, allowing the infrastructure to be proactive, to start talking to users and prevent accidents from happening. It also gathers road safety data and events for the road administration.
It is a digital system that can be integrated both into new or existing equipment, for example guardrails, bridge parapets, noise barriers or acoustic wall cladding for tunnels, crash cushions and others.
This worldwide innovation, patented and fully developed by Metalesa, provides active road safety to infrastructure, that is to say, the connected and smart infrastructure will have the capability to autonomous and continuously identify risks on the road (ex: ice, bad visibility, cyclist/pedestrians/animals on the road, excessive speed...) and activate in real time an adaptative LED signalling system to make drivers aware of the risk, and hence, allowing them to anticipate safer decisions. Thanks to PLUG&META® technology, key variables of risk detection, signalling and data collection can be configured from an open intuitive management platform, called PLUG&META® TRACE.
Mobiliteit is een hot topic. Iedereen heeft er een mening over. Toch hebben mensen soms het gevoel dat ze onvoldoende geïnformeerd zijn om mee te praten in het mobiliteitsdebat en om mee na te denken over concrete oplossingen voor meer gezonde mobiliteit in hun buurt. Mobiliteitsjargon vormt zo een hindernis voor mensen om volwaardig te kunnen meepraten over een thema dat uiteindelijk iedereen aanbelangt.

Tijdens workshops, inspraakmomenten en begeleidingen met burgers kan je er niet zomaar vanuit gaan dat iedereen mee is met dat mobiliteitsjargon. Woorden als sluipverkeer of parkeermanagement krijgen al snel verschillende invullingen. Daarom besliste Mobiel 21 om enkele moeilijke woorden op een heldere manier uit te leggen in een reeks laagdrempelige en informatieve video’s met de naam ‘Mobiliteit voor Dummies’. Daarin geeft Glenn Godin, medewerker bij Mobiel 21 en verkeersdeskundige, met een grappige draai en de nadruk op duurzame oplossingen, een antwoord op vaak gestelde vragen. In een reeks met 7 verschillende filmpjes legt hij telkens een ander mobiliteitsbegrip op een heldere manier uit. De onderwerpen van de filmpjes zijn: De knip, fietsstraat, verkeer, schoolstraat, sluipverkeer, parkeren en wegencategorisering. Het zijn stuk voor stuk begrippen die vaak ter sprake komen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer gemeenten hun burgers betrekken bij de opmaak van nieuwe mobiliteitsplannen.

‘Mobiliteit voor Dum­mies’ kwam tot stand met de ste­un van ‘All 4 Zero’. Met dat project willen de ver­schil­lende over­he­den in Bel­gië het aan­tal ver­keers­do­den in ons land tegen 2050 terug­bren­gen tot nul. All 4 Zero betrekt burg­ers actief in het ver­beteren van de ver­keersvei­ligheid, onder meer via een nationale enquête en the­ma­tis­che burg­er­pan­els. All 4 Zero moedigt ook lokale ini­ti­atieven aan om hun eigen straat, buurt of gemeente ver­keersveiliger te mak­en. Net daarom is het zo belan­grijk dat iedereen kan meep­rat­en over mobiliteit. En daar draagt onze reeks ‘Mobiliteit voor Dum­mies’ toe bij.
The road safety challenge is motorists parking their vehicle on footpaths and cycle lanes, blocking access for pedestrians, cyclists, pushchairs and those with reduced mobility. This leads to vulnerable road users such as wheelchair users, the visually impaired, people with buggies, children and older pedestrians not having adequate room to walk safely, potentially forcing them out onto the road. Parking in cycle lanes forces cyclists out into mainstream traffic, where there is an increased risk of a collision occurring.

The book "My Hero" graces the libraries of the 110 schools of Rhodes following a decision by the Board of Directors of the Primary & Secondary School Committee of the Municipality of Rhodes. The goal is to adorn the libraries of all schools in the South Aegean Region.
I feel proud because I managed to write a book starting with my Hero who returns to Rhodes who meets his friends, operators, the Prime Minister of his country to talk about the human lives that are lost in the streets and with the aim of being read and for its readers to know the causes of traffic accidents, for my country, for the Strategic Road Safety Improvement Plan in Greece, for Europe, for World Victims' Remembrance Day, for supporting victims and everything about traffic accidents and how they can be reduced.
The long-term project aims to improve road safety in urban areas across the Czech Republic. It focuses on assessing the severity of traffic accidents, with an emphasis on vulnerable road users. The target audience primarily includes the general public, local government representatives, regional authorities, and the Ministry of Transport
13 May 2023 10:00 – 10:00
auditorium of the Transport and Communications Directorate of the Athens Central Regional Unit
A simply file to print and give in Public Administrations offices tò cooperate in fixing black spots.
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