Bicibus Hernals

Initiative details

In Vienna most parents are afraid to cycle with their kids on the streets because of the lack of proper and continuous infrastructure for bikes. This degenerates the ability of children in Vienna generally reaching an all time low of 17% of children taking a biking license and having over 50% of them fail in the exam due to lack of skill and practical knowledge about road behavior. This further decreases the biking competency of children in secondary school as they don’t have any motivation whatsoever to actually learn biking at a later age. With only 20 km per year of safe biking infrastructure generated and a need for over 300km this creates a gap of centuries while parents wait for safe infrastructure during which biking competencies further deteriorate. the bikebus (Bicibus) provides a method to engage children at the right age to motivate them for biking and educates parents by practicing and by positive example to actually provide a learning opportunity to children, when they actually are prone to learn biking seriously (5-10) This prepares their technical skills so they are ready, when their actual physiology is ready to safely travel through urban traffic alone even without safe infrastructure yet in place.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Policy makers
Children 0-16
Educational staff
Micromobility riders


Create awareness
Education in school or in community organizations
Improve vehicles and infrastructure
Knowledge building and sharing
Provide alternative solutions

Organisation details

Bicibus Hernals
Vienna, Hernals

Contact name

Michael Doberer

Telephone number

+43 650 89 47 444

Project activities

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

Very early on, influenced by discussions during confrontations the organizational core team realized that while public services slowly extends safe cycling infrastructure, an increase in acceptance of the local population towards cycling and decreasing common hostile attitude towards bikers can already improve road safety significantly. With a higher acceptance within the population, conflict potential on the road is reduced and it opens up new possibilities of conflict resolution through communication, an essential part in road safety when handling ambiguous traffic situations. By reducing the heat in the artificial conflict between car and bike and by making cycling popular and desirable, policy makers can still support infrastructure changes to increase road safety for vulnerable traffic members without risking votes of motorized individuals. Therefore the Bicibus extended it’s operational goals of providing cycling and traffic rule competencies to younger kids and parents to a raising awareness and acceptance at a larger public audience to reach a broad range of all traffic users sharing the same infrastructure as the Bicininjas (Bicibus children).

Startupphase (2 weeks):

-Establish a reliable timetable and document to prove reliability.We drive every day, within every weather throughout the whole year.

-Guide newcomers and improve mode of operation increasing safety:Driving next to kids, taking the whole lane, safety distance, slow speed, direct and clear communication, visibility, Interaction securing, …. Lead by good example.

-Establish a code of conduct on the road how to engage in conflicts within the group (collisions, consideration) and with other road users respectfully.

-Distribute information within the school platform providing essentials about the mode of operation, code of conduct and legal base.
Identification and recognition: Provide plaques with a logo to build up an internal identification with the group and to be recognized from outside.

-Support participation by establishing a dedicated communications channel, include members in decision making and distribute responsibilities actively.

Growth phase: (2 months+)
-Actively engage others: friends, classmates and interested people at the school’s entrance.

-Establish a group feeling by direct and open communication and engagement. Provided a process to let children join independently by transferring responsibility to another parent acknowledging time restrictions of parents and include children in decision making whenever possible.

-Place station signs at dedicated Bicibus Stations adding informational links for outsiders.

-Add music to the ride to improve identification, visibility, recognition and most of all fun. Providing a positive learning environment with fun as a motivator, educational elements regarding traffic safety are introduced bit by bit.

-Enforce Code of Conduct respectfully and provide a Starter’s Guide for newcomers.

-Joined in local events to increase wide local acceptance (e.g. St. Martins lantern parade with lanterns on the bikes) and host event rides like Halloween, Carnival, …

-Build up services to Bicibus members (weekly maintenance and safety checks, high quality rental bikes and free rental bikes for financially challenged families, repair home visits, …)

-Provide reflective vests for children and parents

Public Awareness and Networking (February-May)
-Public relations through social media

-Establish network within bicycle NGOs

-Organize and join in on joint events with other initiatives leaving the local influence area organically.

-Establish network between Bicibus Lines

-Build up a network platform within the separate Bicibuses in Austria and actively engage new lines to advocate best practices and document mode of operations.

-Establish a central knowledge base for good practices, templates for information and print material and a Bicibus directory of current an

-Build up local network with road affiliated business (dealer, mechanics, service)

-Establish press contacts and support media coverage with route and picture Guides.

-Join in public discussions and podium events

Organizational Professionalization to change from a local initiative to a well accepted practice (March+)
-Organizational change based on shared leadership and spread out operational workload.

-Introduce decision processes:: Keep “consumers” engaged through opportunities to take responsibilities and be involved in decision making, but acknowledge differences between consumers and shapers.

-Adapt operational rules to ensure safety and considerate behavior against other traffic users with the increased size

-Establish strategic approach and structure organizational goals into topics (Operational, Events, Acquisition of New Lines, Network and Knowledge
-Transfer, Public Relations)

-Raise funding (public financial support, donations), Bicibus stays free for all members to keep boundaries for financial challenged families low.
professional bike trainer certification for core members

-Scientific fellowship to provide an external evaluation
Improve awareness on cycling through School integration (2nd term)

-Selectively choose cycling as a theme in the curriculum to make it present in course tasks .

-School Competition on active mobility and sustainability.

-Initiate and consult school leadership on affiliations with school supporting programs regarding active mobility.

-Engage and promote active mobility with parental car drivers.

-Offer maintanance and tools workshop

-Create didactic guide for school courses around biking (basic maintainance course done)

-Integrate Bicibus in formal biking education within school system (mobility agency / WiG: Radeln and Roller (in Progress)

In terms of implementation, what worked well and what challenges did you need to overcome?

Funding: Especially in the start we had to fund printing, music box and camera equipment on private funds.
→ Sponshorsip deals, Donations, Partnerships with local cycle businesses

Reaching families with migrational backgrounds: Translation of information material, providing onboarding help, free long term rental bikes, offering bike trainings on weekends at their vicinity,

Arbitrary Bike Car conflict: Acknowledge mode of transportation of others and adapt processes to parents who need the car to get to work (get children to a reliable station and hand responsibility to another parent). Improve acceptance of car parents by helping them (e.g. open the door for the children) and at that time get to know them and their situation to work out solutions for them.

Lack of support with school staff: Support on administrational work and establish a division of labor between the teachers and Bicibus Staff. Provide support on Bicibus related activities (didactic concept for maintanance workshops, video editing for award for sustainable mobility, …)

Way back home, as children without license need to be accompanied on the bike: Propose pushing or taking bike into public transport. Establish fixed groups to share responsibility promoting togetherness.

Passive Parents as consumers: Actively engage parents and promote taking over responsibility roles on the ride. Constructively criticize in a respectful manner.

Heavy additional workload → Agile organizational team development: Based on shared leadership we established a clear vision of our goals and acknowledged each other’s motivators, distributed work together and kept a clear work backlog, progress updates and clearly communicated work done or impediments within the group.

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

Radlobby Vienna: It Advocates for all cycling citizens and consults municipal governments on biking infrastructure. Between the Bicibus Lines they provide the platform to network and distribute knowledge as well as helping to set up the starting phase on new lines.

District Governments: Throughout the Bicibus Lines they support on quick infrastructure (bike stands) and consider demands occuring during the Bicibus Lines.

Schulterblick - Die Fahrradschule: It provides training and certification for new biking teachers and support on competency workshops

WiG (Wiener Gesundheitsförderung, Viennese Health funding): Offers bicycle and scooter courses.

Radish bikes: A bike repair network that provides bike service and road safety checks.

Minimotion: a local bike dealer, providing rental bikes for Bicibus children
Knowledge Network:
other Bicibus Line organisators

wir machen wien: a local citizen’s grass root organisation, providing other grass root organisations with knowledge support. world: German/Spanish/US organisation providing support for their Bicibus lines

BOKU Wien: The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna establishes a scientific fellowship researching the Viennese Bicibus movement.


Please summarise how you have evaluated the initiative’s impact (e.g. social media reach, survey, feedback forms, statistics).

Social Media reel: 700k+ views, 27+ Likes:
Traditional Media: 40+ representations in press review covering local, regional national media.

Stable over 25 (worst weather) to max. 70.
> 70 Parents in the dedicated communication group.
increaseed amount of other Bicibuslines in vienna (12 lines in Vienna, 5 new daily lines)
Jan-March: 1000 stickers dealt out (1 sticker for each ride per child)

What has been the effect of the activities?

With nearly 200 rides we never had any accident with mentionable injuries. There are collisions within the group, but due to decreasing traffic speed of driving and increased technical driving competencies it's never more than mild scratches.
Practically all bikes had some minor flaw regarding road safety laws, mostly missing reflectors, which was corrected.
A Bicibus perfectly complements the general public goal of increasing modal split to sustainable mobility by providing better infrastructure. It increases the amount of cyclers and integrates cycling in daily routines.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

The main factors which improved road safety was simulating a safe infrastructure for younger children:

- reducing possible traffic speed to 10 km/h.

-Making it impossible to overtake children by motorized individual traffic, practically enforcing the not executed legal requirement of safety margins when overtaking.
separation of bicycles to motorized traffic by a wall of parents.

-Providing a security bubble within the group for children and their parents by improving visibility and hearability.
practically reduced intersection complexity for driving together as we legally represent one vehicle.

The bicibus is for most of the children the only way of regularly biking within the urban environment confronted with traffic. That also adheres to their parents, who were not used to drive with their children within town.

-Increased technical cycling competency of young children and their parents.

-Decreased fear of parents and therefore make them more aware of their surroundings.

-Teach clear traffic communications (Arm signs, bell, but also increase traffic communication by speaking, mimic and speed and posture adjustment)

-Introduced mode of Operation to accompany kids by distributing knowledge of legal possibility to drive next to children (StVO §68 (2), companying children under 12 next to each other)

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

The Bicibus Hernals is very well known in local regards and throughout the whole country. It was covered in practically all major local and national media. Within the district we are known because of our presence, as we are always a part of the morning traffic, every weekday, in every weather, throughout the whole schoolyear. Bystanders regognize the Bicibus and share it within their community as well.
Internationally we are known as the daily Bicibus in Vienna and are connected internationally through the international bikebus network.

Supporting materials