
Optimization of policy decisions and road user choices is based on advanced analyses of reliable crash, exposure and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) data. The mission of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Road Safety Observatory ( is to support the Greek and the International Road Safety Community by providing openly current key road safety knowledge and data, which are gathered, analysed and organised within the research activities of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, as well as within co-operations with various national and international Road Safety Organisations. Road safety is a typical field where important investments are not always bringing quick and/or the desired results. The major objective of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory is to openly, continuously and dynamically support the road safety decision makers and stakeholders (public and private) at all levels (local, regional, national, international) with updated knowledge and data in order to identify the appropriate road safety policies, programmes and measures for the significant reduction of the number of road accidents and of the related casualties in Greece, in Europe and worldwide. NRSO is continuously investing into systematic production and open dissemination of scientific road safety knowledge as well as into the support of road safety activities beyond Europe with emphasis on least performing regions (Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin America), proving its quote: "Road Safety everywhere and for all". NRSO activities in summary are available at: The target audience is all road safety decision makers and stakeholders (public and private) at all levels (local, regional, national, international).

Distraction is a serious issue, especially for teenagers.

Many of our students come to school in the morning with headphones, which are connected to a cell phone or other device. Many of them also ride their bicycles, wearing headphones. In addition, we had a discussion with some of them about whether they feel safe and secure when they come to school... Our school has students with learning difficulties, with ADHD, but also students on the autism spectrum.

The pedagogical goals of the program for students were:
Give the opportunity to express themselves artistically, creating digital videos and / or through web2.00 and web3.00 tools,
Get acquainted with the "language" of cinematic narration,
To acquire traffic education and road safety skills,
To become judges, researchers and environmental researchers,
To raise awareness on Road Safety issues,
Understand the relationship between road safety and the universal right to life, health and personal safety,
To understand through the diptych "Responsible user of the road network - responsible citizen" that road safety and the improvement of road conditions is a common responsibility of all of us,
To be consistent in the planning of a task and responsibility for its implementation,
To have the opportunity to express opinions and develop critical thinking through the language code,
To develop social skills (cooperation, teamwork, participation, negotiation, respect, responsibility)
Motorcycle crashes account for a disproportionate number of motor vehicle deaths and injuries in the EU and worldwide. Motorcycle helmet use can lead to an estimated 42% reduction in risk for fatal injuries and a 69% reduction in risk for head injuries. Therefore encouraging the use of helmets of motorcycle riders can help reduce dramatically the number of fatal injuries.

Music School of Arta (Greece) participated in the international campaign for the road safety entitled "THIS IS MY STREET"

Our students, during the school year 2020-21 participated in the international campaign "THIS IS MY STREET", which was coordinated in Greece and Cyprus by the Road Safety Institute (R.S.I.) "Panos Mylonas". Through this campaign children, young men and women are given voice to demand safer routes to and from school, free of risks of road injuries and the harmful effects of air pollution.

6 September 2021 17:00 – 7 September 2021 20:00
Theognnos Grove Megara Greece
9 September 2021 10:00 – 13:00
Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF)
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