Walking safe

Initiative details

Distraction is a serious issue, especially for teenagers.

Many of our students come to school in the morning with headphones, which are connected to a cell phone or other device. Many of them also ride their bicycles, wearing headphones. In addition, we had a discussion with some of them about whether they feel safe and secure when they come to school... Our school has students with learning difficulties, with ADHD, but also students on the autism spectrum.

The pedagogical goals of the program for students were:
Give the opportunity to express themselves artistically, creating digital videos and / or through web2.00 and web3.00 tools,
Get acquainted with the "language" of cinematic narration,
To acquire traffic education and road safety skills,
To become judges, researchers and environmental researchers,
To raise awareness on Road Safety issues,
Understand the relationship between road safety and the universal right to life, health and personal safety,
To understand through the diptych "Responsible user of the road network - responsible citizen" that road safety and the improvement of road conditions is a common responsibility of all of us,
To be consistent in the planning of a task and responsibility for its implementation,
To have the opportunity to express opinions and develop critical thinking through the language code,
To develop social skills (cooperation, teamwork, participation, negotiation, respect, responsibility)

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Children 0-16
Educational staff


Education in school or in community organizations

Organisation details

School / Research centre

Contact name


Telephone number


Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

We couldn't work with other partners because of the covid.

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

Importance of observing the rules of traffic rules
Cultivation of a road safety culture in all citizens
Rights and obligations of road network users

The topics we approached were:
Awareness of students and their activation in the issue of their safe movement
Importance of observing the rules of K.O.K.
Cultivation of a road safety culture in all citizens
Rights and obligations of road network users


What has been the effect of the activities?

We participated in the program:Knights for Road Safety (KROS) is an Erasmus+ programme (KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices : Strategic Partnerships for school education), focusing on open education and innovative practices in a digital era, aiming to strengthen the profiles of teaching profession. We also took part in the 4th Panhellenic Student Competition of Digital Creation for Road Safety by Road Safety Institute (RSI) "Panos Mylonas". We took the 1st award for the Application using Web2.0 tools.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

Τo raise awareness on Road Safety issues,
Understand the relationship between road safety and the universal right to life, health and personal safety,
To understand through the diptych "Responsible road network user - responsible citizen" that road safety and the improvement of road conditions is a common responsibility of all of us.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

The students of C3 EPAL - Informatics department - chose to construct a website in the course «Website Design and Development». The purpose of the website was to promote all these surveys and the printed material collected and of course the possibility provided by a website with its constant feedback with new data.

Supporting materials
