Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results.
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Friday, June 14, 2024
Eines der zentralen Probleme im Bereich der Straßenverkehrssicherheit, mit denen wir uns als Radfahrschule beschäftigen, ist die mangelnde praktische Verkehrserziehung von Kindern, aber auch von Erwachsenen. Insbesondere bei modernen Verkehrsmitteln wie (E-) Scootern besteht eine erhebliche Lücke in der Ausbildung, was zu Unsicherheiten und einem erhöhten Unfallrisiko führt. Das Fahren ohne Helm und auf Gehsteigen ist weit verbreitet wo doch sehr gefährlich, nicht zuletzt auch für andere Verkehrsteilnehmende. Viele unterschätzen, dass auch der (E-) Scooter ein richtiges Handling benötigt, damit er sicher im Straßenverkehr eingesetzt werden kann. Zudem sind viele Nutzer:innen schlicht nicht ausreichend über die gesetzlichen Vorgaben und Sicherheitsstandards informiert. Diese Wissenslücken tragen zur Verbreitung unsicherer Praktiken und zu vermeidbaren Unfällen bei. Zudem sehen wir das fehlende Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung einer nachhaltigen Mobilität weiterhin als Herausforderung. In einer Zeit, in der Umweltbewusstsein und klimafreundliche Verkehrslösungen immer wichtiger werden, ist es entscheidend, Menschen immer wieder für diese Themen zu sensibilisieren. Unsere E-Scooter Kurse setzen genau hier an: Sie verbinden theoretische und praktische Schulung, um den Teilnehmenden nicht nur die technischen Fertigkeiten für ein sicheres Fahren beizubringen, sondern auch ein tiefes Verständnis für Verkehrsregeln und Umweltaspekte zu vermitteln.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Road safety is crucial for protecting lives, enhancing economic stability, and improving the quality of life. The global economic impact of road accidents is $1.8Tr or 10-12% of global GDPR. In Europe alone, it is estimated to be €280Bn or 2% of EU GDP. The other side of road accidents is that 1.19M people died on our roads in 2021.
The increasing volume of vehicles and complexity of road networks require innovative solutions to improve efficiency of road traffic management and road safety. The use of advanced data analytics and deep data fusion transform road traffic management through empowering road traffic authorities to make timely accurate and data-driven decisions.
By analysing historical and real- time data from the road and arterials, our advanced data analytics solution deliveries 100% road monitoring coverage, identifies high-risk areas and predict accident-prone situations, allowing traffic authorities to implement pre-emptive measures, such as adjusting traffic signal timings, optimizing traffic flow, or providing timely warnings to road users. This data driven approach significantly reduces the number of road accidents and enhances overall road safety.
The increasing volume of vehicles and complexity of road networks require innovative solutions to improve efficiency of road traffic management and road safety. The use of advanced data analytics and deep data fusion transform road traffic management through empowering road traffic authorities to make timely accurate and data-driven decisions.
By analysing historical and real- time data from the road and arterials, our advanced data analytics solution deliveries 100% road monitoring coverage, identifies high-risk areas and predict accident-prone situations, allowing traffic authorities to implement pre-emptive measures, such as adjusting traffic signal timings, optimizing traffic flow, or providing timely warnings to road users. This data driven approach significantly reduces the number of road accidents and enhances overall road safety.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Since our inception in 2017, we have identified major road safety challenges faced by cyclists, primarily related to unsafe overtaking practices. This is a crucial problem, with the number of cyclists steadily increasing each year and many people, particularly in remote areas, relying on cycling for their daily activities. In 2023 alone, eleven cyclists tragically lost their lives in road accidents in Lithuania, an increase from five deaths the year before. In response to these alarming trends, we launched a public campaign targeting both the general public and public authorities. The aim of this campaign is to approve and implement a new road sign that mandates vehicles maintain a safe overtaking distance of at least 1.5 meters from cyclists. This sign, commonly used in many other countries, would be a first for Lithuania.
In collaboration with local authorities, we successfully erected eight such signs in various locations across Lithuania in 2023-2024, largely using our charity funds for this purpose. Our ongoing efforts are now focused on achieving nationwide adoption of this sign, particularly in areas identified as high-risk for cyclists. By doing so, we aim to significantly enhance road safety for cyclists throughout the country.
In collaboration with local authorities, we successfully erected eight such signs in various locations across Lithuania in 2023-2024, largely using our charity funds for this purpose. Our ongoing efforts are now focused on achieving nationwide adoption of this sign, particularly in areas identified as high-risk for cyclists. By doing so, we aim to significantly enhance road safety for cyclists throughout the country.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
The number of motorcyclists in Lithuania is growing every year. According to the data of 2023, there were ~88,000 motorcycles and mopeds registered in Lithuania. New drivers only receive 10 academic hours of practical driving lessons in schools before they get an A category (motorcycle driving license). In our opinion, this is too little to learn how to ride a motorcycle safely. We emphasize continuous informing of the motorcycling public about safe participation in public traffic. We organize public rides during the season in with 40 to 100 riders are participating. We teach how to properly and safely ride in a motorcycle convoy, what signs to use, how to brake, maintain a constant speed and maintain safe distances between moving motorcycles. These rides are organized free of charge. We also host shows and podcasts on a variety of topics relevant to motorcyclists, including road safety and information for new young motorcycle drivers. A video about the first medical aid to a victim in a moto accident was filmed last year. The plan is to prepare more video material about safe driving, safe motorcycle gear, how to maintain a motorcycle etc.

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Low driving skills after completing driving school and driving exams. Weak evaluation on examine driving tests. Seasonal challenges, where after a winter period, when one starts to drive motorcycles again, the mind knows but body and muscular memory has forgotten vital survival skills. Motorcycle drivers tend to find themselves in an unexpected situations, where they do not know or do not remember how to survive sudden traffic situations. Especially at higher speeds.