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Friday, June 14, 2024
En los últimos 10 años han muerto 30 mil ciclistas en la UE, según el ETSC.
También ha habido 300 mil ciclistas lesionados graves. Las lesiones cervicales son las graves más frecuentes que sufren los ciclistas, así lo concluyen varios estudios que, incluso, señalan al ciclismo como la principal causa de lesiones cervicales en hombres.
También ha habido 300 mil ciclistas lesionados graves. Las lesiones cervicales son las graves más frecuentes que sufren los ciclistas, así lo concluyen varios estudios que, incluso, señalan al ciclismo como la principal causa de lesiones cervicales en hombres.

Friday, June 14, 2024
We are focusing on the most common causation factors of accidents/collsions on roads.

Friday, June 14, 2024
Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable users of the urban environment, especially now with the new forms of travel that put them in danger: Personal Mobility Vehicles. The year 2023 ended in Spain with a balance of 118 pedestrian deaths. The most common type of accident they face is run over, which is more common in cities than on interurban roads.PROIN's Intelligent Pedestrian Crossing alerts drivers to the presence of a pedestrian in the vicinity of the crossing with the intention of crossing it. Our system is capable of detecting pedestrians at a distance of more than two hundred meters, simultaneously activating a set of vertical and horizontal warning signs for drivers. The vertical signage is made up of two high-brightness HI LED type signs that operate at slow flashing and minimum brightness while there are no pedestrians in the vicinity, increasing their intensity to the maximum when they detect the pedestrian. Horizontal signage delimits the passage through reflectors or LED plates, reinforcing the alert to drivers. It is a preventive, sustainable system with low energy consumption, improving mobility by reducing accident rates.

Friday, June 14, 2024
El desafío es implementar una iniciativa que permite mejorar y poner en práctica acciones que reduzcan los enclaves de concentración de accidentes, recogiendo el propósito de “Avanzar juntos hacia una movilidad segura”, compartiendo y comprometiéndonos a conseguir unos objetivos, desarrollando unas actividades que permite abordar con éxito el problema de la seguridad vial urbana en la Ciudad de Madrid, la segunda Ciudad Europea con mayor población.

Friday, June 14, 2024
Since 2017, the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) has been implementing the educational and preventive program "KLIK - seat belt, a habit of responsible behavior" as part of the National Road Safety Plan of the Republic of Croatia, whose target group is senior high school students. The word “KLIK” is an acronym for “how to easily avoid a disaster” (in Croatian Kako Lako Izbjeći Katastrofu) and its pronunciation imitates the sound of buckling up.
Statistical data show that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users in Croatia. In the Croatian National Road Safety Plan 2021-2030 it is visible that 28% of drivers who do not use seat belts are young drivers. This data significantly indicates the need for education of young people, which is done in the “KLIK” program.
We point out that in the Republic of Croatia, unlike the larger number of preschool and school children, the high school population has not yet been systematically covered by any projects within school curriculums in the field of road safety. This road safety program focuses on educating young people in order to achieve the Vision Zero, meaning our ultimate objective is to completely eliminate traffic fatalities and sever injuries on Croatian roads by 2050. It has been integrated into school curriculums, just like our other successful initiatives for elementary school students: “See and Click”, “Safe to School with HAK” and “Safe in Traffic”.
It is known that adolescents, in search of their identity and independence, are often inclined to disagree with adults and adopted rules of behavior under the pretext that their freedom is restricted. This life phase is characterized by the consolidation of knowledge and skills, the crystallization of attitudes and opinions and particularly rational mental maturation. The profile just described is one of the key reasons for risky behavior in traffic. The consequences are reflected in traffic accident statistics, where young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users. HAK conducts driving exams and the “KLIK” program is a perfect opportunity to reach young adults because of the need to address their values and behaviors prior to attending driving schools.
Statistical data show that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users in Croatia. In the Croatian National Road Safety Plan 2021-2030 it is visible that 28% of drivers who do not use seat belts are young drivers. This data significantly indicates the need for education of young people, which is done in the “KLIK” program.
We point out that in the Republic of Croatia, unlike the larger number of preschool and school children, the high school population has not yet been systematically covered by any projects within school curriculums in the field of road safety. This road safety program focuses on educating young people in order to achieve the Vision Zero, meaning our ultimate objective is to completely eliminate traffic fatalities and sever injuries on Croatian roads by 2050. It has been integrated into school curriculums, just like our other successful initiatives for elementary school students: “See and Click”, “Safe to School with HAK” and “Safe in Traffic”.
It is known that adolescents, in search of their identity and independence, are often inclined to disagree with adults and adopted rules of behavior under the pretext that their freedom is restricted. This life phase is characterized by the consolidation of knowledge and skills, the crystallization of attitudes and opinions and particularly rational mental maturation. The profile just described is one of the key reasons for risky behavior in traffic. The consequences are reflected in traffic accident statistics, where young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users. HAK conducts driving exams and the “KLIK” program is a perfect opportunity to reach young adults because of the need to address their values and behaviors prior to attending driving schools.