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The "National Association of Assistance and solidarity for families of car crash victims ΣΤΗΡΙΖΩ" (STIRIZO) was founded more than 10 years ago.
The Goal of our association is in taking actions aimed at involving each member in the effort to deal with the dramatic situations and tragic moments experienced by a family from a sudden tragic death of a member. Supporting the families of victims of road accidents by organizing actions in all social and human fields is now imperative and necessary. Because the care for the victims and families is non-existent from society and in essence the families of the victims are confronted with a frozen indifference that re-escapes, it is necessary and necessary for the presence and action of the Association in order to help the families to the extent of the permissible and possible. The tragic, above-mentioned finding now requires that we break our silence and tolerance and help as a community of relief and solidarity every family wherever and whenever it is necessary.

The support and general organization of assistance and solidarity activities to the families of the victims of traffic accidents are aimed at adopting decisions to regularly manage the reported unpleasant events from the first moment to the point where we need to participate in pain and sorrow when any media coverage of the event has completed its work, and the families are left alone and abandoned by all, having to bear the heavy burden of pain and grief and consequently from the tragic event without the support and human interest of the society and the state.

At this critical point, the presence of the responsible members of our club will be present to meet the needs and obligations that have arisen to fully and effectively resolve the difficulties and difficulties that exist on a case by case basis.

In our Association there are registered members, specialists such as physicians, lawyers, engineers, child psychiatrists, social workers, pharmacists journalists, media owners and journalists in the media, police officers, senior officers and non-commissioned officers and employees of the State, as well as persons with increased sensitivity and mood for voluntary participation in pain, sadness and difficult struggle so that all members together can effectively and efficiently support the families of the victims of road accidents in the problems and difficulties suddenly called to resolve with the participation of members of the Association, and to deposit these soul distinct from solidarity, love and genuine concern for each of our painful fellow man.

In our Association there will be no room for self-appearances, nor for individual tactics and cults of the Holy Sacrament of the Association. All members will be equal to each other and will work collectively, effectively and silently with the ultimate goal of the success of the Sacred Purpose which has been set as the only mission. The use of their status as members of the Association may be used by members only with the written permission of the Association through its organs and always for the purpose of serving the interests of the Association and not of the members themselves.

2. The provision of all kinds of assistance to victims and relatives of Traffic Accidents and Traffic Accidents, namely psychological support and effort to avoid their marginalization, counseling and guidance at the legal, technical, logistical level and administrative and financial assistance as long as the resources of the Association allow it, as well as in the analysis and redesign of the Road Traffic policies. It is the mission of the members of the Association.

3.We beleve that in order to decrease car accidents will only be achieved If we encourage our Children From ages 6 and up until graduation age, so that they will learn from the web the tragic consequenses of Car crashes, and create awareness to the rest of us through their very authentic message, for this purpose five years now we take yearly actions organizing a National competition where we ask the children to create a unique video or a poster and participate with us in our competion .
This year in January our Association Awarded a group of midle School Children for their Project, which was The Voice of a young Girl who lost her Father that drank while driving and went over the speed limit and was not wearing a seat belt. We later presented this project to the President of Democracy where he him self Congratulated the Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCPOV1NNyLY .


On the 28th of July 2004 and at 10:00, Christos Polendas son of Stavros and Nikis, born in Orestiada, Evros on October 7, 1978, drove with his motorcycle from Palaiochora to Chania.

At the site of Nerantzia in the Municipality of Voukolies and from a point between two consecutive dangerous turns, there is a private road on the provincial road. A truck came out of this private road
The weight of the lorry's load, the uphill of the road and the limited vegetation visibility, led to the sudden exit of the truck on the pavement to the moving motorcycle led by Christos, closing completely vertically, thus trailing his last tragic breathing at that point.

This tragic event shook Chania's society both because the truck driver was solely responsible for the totally unjustified tragic event and because the inhabitants of the Prefecture of Chania had been informed and experienced the time so many fatal road accidents that his death Christos Polendas on the asphalt to be considered as a "river that overflowed".

Christos Polendas lost his life unhealthy to the asphalt altar at the age of 25, was a new dynamic, dear to the world
 As a young man, with the capacity and diligence that distinguished him, he had all the qualifications required for a good professional climax as he had the love and support of the citizens of Chania.
The tragic event immediately took serious and unprecedented dimensions and was treated with respect and love both by the Greek Orthodox Church and the Political Leadership as well as by the State Leadership of the country as well as by the Local Government of the Prefecture of Chania. So:

Following this tragic event, the Municipality of Voukolies issued the decision No. 10/2008 of the Municipal Council, according to which it was decided the following:
To create a park on the provincial road of Tavronitis - Voukolies - Paleohora in the "Nerantzia" position, in memory of Christos Polendas.
Within the park, a small stone built chapel was erected in memory of Christos Polendas and the victims of road accidents.
This park is called "Park of Christos Polendas" in memory of this.
This decision of the Municipality of Voukolies was immediately supported by Bishop of Kissamos and Selinos and by unanimous decisions the Prefectural Council of the Prefecture of Chania, the Board of Directors of the Local Union of Municipalities and Communities of the Prefecture of Chania, and almost all Municipal Councils of the Municipalities of the Prefecture of Chania.

- The Minister of Internal Affairs, Public Administration and Decentralization, Mr Prokopis Pavlopoulos, approved the allocation of an amount for the construction of this project.

- The Deputy Minister of Interior for Public Order issues, Mr Christos Markogiannakis, approved the financing of an amount to complete the construction of the park.

- The Municipality of Voukolies, as a minimal indication of support for mourning and sadness, contributed to the construction and completion of the park and the church, and the Municipalities of Therisos and Mithymnis offered icons for the church of Ag. Christoforou.
 Establishment and completion of the Park
The tragic event of the unfortunate loss of Christos Polendas and the decision of ALL the bodies of the Prefecture of Chania for the construction of the park and the stone-built church of Ag. Christoforou was brought to the attention of SA of the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr Karolos Papoulias who, on his arrival in Chania on 30-11-08 and despite his heavy schedule, decided to visit the site where the park and the church were to be built and to place a marble slab in "CHRISTOS POLENTAS PARK" in memory of the victims of the asphalt of Chania.
