Аз на пътя - шофирай с мен / I'm on the road - drive with me

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Аз на пътя - шофирай с мен / I'm on the road - drive with me

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Describe your organisation

I use my experience to help other drivers. What I do is, every person that desires to drive with me, they have to have a driving license and a road legal car. They come with their own car to me and I sit with them. They drive on a preselected route of my choosing, we talk all the time (I have to have them a bit distracted so I can see how they drive throughout driving habits rather than focused driving), I write down notes. Once we stop safely (after about 40-60 minutes of drive) I provide all the details - what I have spotted as good beheaviour and what as bad. I provide advices on how can they improve safety, comfort, economy and car durability.
It's all free of charge for every single person that have decided to join me.
