On 6th May, 2015 a four-person team representing our school got a second place in XXXVIII Polish Nationwide Road Safety Tournament in the category of primary schools. There were two stages in these competitions. In the first one, participants form nine Primary Schools and four Junior High Schools wrote a test at the gym in Szkoła Podstatowa z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi Nr 10 im. Polonii w Słupsku (Primary School With Support Classes Number 10 in Słupsk). The second stage took place in WORD (Voivodeship Training Cetre For Drivers) in Słupsk. There they presented their skills in practical tasks such as: riding a bike in traffic town obstacle course bike riding giving premedical firs aid The goal of the tournament is to raise cultural awareness of road safety among children and the youth, especially by popularising the knowledge of traffic regulations, developing partner cooperation attitudes towards other road users, disseminating fundamental premedical first aid principles and skills, promoting bikes as great means of transport as well as outdoor sport and recreation.