Pre Moped and scooter (CBT) education course

In partnership with a local motorcycle training school we deliver an awareness training course to new and young riders. Following a comprehensive review of the casualty patterns and rider profiles, we have developed a programme to encourage riders to attend a 2 hour session prior to their compulsory basic training to deliver information on rider position, basic maintenance, but more importantly about anticipation, and awareness of road dangers. To date 210 young people have taken part. The course is based on constructivism educational approach and uses the C-BOM behaviour change model. It is being fully evaluated (current)results due in mid 2018. The young people attend, receive a 50% discount on their CBT test, therefore we are getting young people that wouldn't normally attend a programme. The main messages is not about danger but about awareness, it is not a shock horror programme but one where the young rider can be aware of the issues and act accordingly. Film clips showing local roads are used to stimulate discussion, and to develop their ability to predict and anticipate. The final part of the session is to encourage the riders to reflect on their rides. When a ride has been enjoyable and felt good in comparison to one that has not gone so well, could it be when they are tired, stressed, in a rush. What could they do to make their riding experience better and more enjoyable. We are developing the programme further by offering an online version of the course in 2018.

Target Audience

