The European Road Safety Charter (ERSC) is the largest civil society platform focusing on road safety. More than 3,500 public and private entities have committed to the ERSC, forming a community to share expertise in road safety actions and initiatives. This community is an amazing resource to highlight the importance of road safety across EU countries and beyond.
Our members’ actions have increased awareness about the causes of road accidents, helped build a culture of road safety across Europe and highlighted successful preventative road safety measures. Our members publish a diverse variety of activites to learn from and become inspired. These can be tailored to specific locations or demographics to create an effective road safety strategy for any country, city or town.
The importance of our members
Our members are essential to the ERSC. Sharing their knowledge has played a significant role in the pan-European effort to make our roads safer. We rely on members uploading information on their activites to further increase knowledge on road safety and submitting good practices used to meet road casualty targets. Those good practices that go above and beyond the standard targets will be highlighted as voluntary commitments.
Our members stage events to encourage collaboration and inspiration, fostering an even stronger culture of road safety. These events reach out to a broad scope of people we alone would not be able to contact, encouraging them to speak out and giving them a place for their voice to be heard.
We need you to take part and help make our roads safer, in ways we never would have imagined.
How to register for the ERSC
Please note that you will need an EU login to join the ERSC. If you do not have an EU login, you must first create an EU login (see below - Without an existing EU login) and then join the ERSC (see below - With an existing EU login)
With an existing EU login
- Go to the ERSC homepage here: https://road-safety-charter.ec.europa.eu/
- Click the Login button in the upper right side of the screen
- You will be directed to the EU login page
- Enter your EU email address and password
- You will be taken to the ERSC new user signup page
- Fill in the blank boxes in your profile (mandatory boxes are marked with an *)
- Once completed click save
- The ERSC team will review your application
a. If more information is needed you will receive an email prompting you to complete your profile
b. If all the information is there, your membership will be confirmed
Please note this is not an automatic process and may take up to one working day for your membership to be confirmed and you will not be able to share content on the website until this is done.
Once your membership is confirmed you will receive a welcome email with a link to ERSC visuals such as logos and banners
Without an existing EU login
- Go to the EU login page at this address:Create an account (europa.eu)
- You may see an 'access denied' message, just click create an account on the right side of the screen
- If you wish to migrate your existing ERSC account use the same email address
- You will be directed to the EU signup page
- Fill in the blank boxes
- Read the privacy statement and tick the box
- Click create an account
- You will receive a confirmation email
- Click the link provided in the email
- You will be directed to the create a new password page
- Enter a password of your choice in the blank boxes
- Click submit
- Proceed to the ‘With an existing EU login’ section above
If you are having trouble with creating an EU login visit the EU login help page: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/help.html
Once your account is validated, you will have access to your personal page of the “My charter” ERSC to specify your commitment to road safety but also to share events, testimonials and other useful information to the community.
Note that documents and tools are available to help you with your road safety action plan: Guidelines and Tools | European Road Safety Charter (europa.eu)
How can an existing ERSC member migrate to an EU login?
If your EU login uses the same email address as your existing ERSC account, your account will automatically be migrated.
If your EU login uses a different email address you will need to create a new EU login with your ERSC email address.
For any further questions please contact us at ERSC-helpdesk@ricardo.com
Official EU languages: