Each school year begins with special meetings organized for children where policemen come. There pupils improve their knowledge of how to stay safe on the way to school. They also practise their abilities going on short trips to the nearest crossing with their form masters. Furthermore, our school takes part in many competitions organized by the Police and WORD (Voivodeship Training Centre For Drivers) as well as holds several events concerning road safety, in which we engage as many pupils as possible. All that gives children a chance to compete in various means of expression. Here are some examples: - making a poster on topic "Visibility on the Road", - designing fluorescent elements, - taking a photo that presents safety on the road, - making up a rhyme on road safety, - making up a slogan on road safety. All the pupils’ work is later displayed at school corridor gallery so all school community can not only find out the results of competitions but also see best road safety behaviours in various attractive ways of presentation. In addition, any trip or rally organised by the school is preceded by a discussion concerning road safety, where pupils have a chance to revise basic rules. They are well stocked with high-visibility elements, too. Such events are a great opportunity to learn and to teach. In each class, children watch educational films and engage in discussions on road, water and air safety, especially before holidays. They also learn first aid and are reminded emergency phone numbers. During school fairs, pupils and adults can try out special goggles imitating the way of seeing when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. All actions, competitions, lessons and fairs are to raise awareness and increase the level of our pupils' safety.