Traffic education plays a significant role in the design and implementation of a successful road safety program of every country. The development of 'Road Safety Culture" is a fundamental objective of the “Hellenic Strategic Plan for the Improvement of Road Safety, 2011-2020). Taking into consideration both the importance of traffic education and that the improvement and modification of road user’s behavior takes time, the Directorate General Road Safety (DGRS) of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport developed a portal and an e-learning traffic safety platform the so-called “eDrive academy” to promote safe transport and mobility. The platform provides online road safety and traffic education information to the entire Greek population (e.g. road users, students, parents, teachers, driver instructors, professional drivers) thus helping the formation of mature road safety culture and promote safe travel. This is a pioneering work of DGRS, since it is the very first time that such an integrated, comprehensive and innovative e-learning traffic education and road safety platform has been developed in Greece.
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