Red Cat Factory S.L.

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Red Cat Factory S.L.

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We help reduce road deaths!
Motorcyclists are one of the most vulnerable groups on the road:
an average of 44 bikers are injured every day.
Every day, 10 motorcyclists die on the roads of the European Union. Poor visibility of a motorcyclist is one of the main causes of road accidents. The Red Cat team is developing advanced additional devices that increase the visibility of motorcyclists and other drivers of unmounted vehicles on the road. We have prepared our first product for production - Repeater H1. It has a unique shape and wide functionality, synchronously repeats the light signals of the motorcycle, is attached to the driver’s helmet and is connected to the motorcycle via a transmitter. The solution we offer allows you to radically improve motorcyclist visibility ANY TIME OF THE DAY! UNDER ANY WEATHER CONDITIONS! (
