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Organisation name
Irish Road Victims' Association
Type of member
Describe your organisation
An Irish charitable NGO advocating for Road Victims and Road Safety. Run entirely by volunteers.
Working to reduce road dangers and to provide free information and support to road traffic victims and to bereaved families.
Members of FEVR, the European Federation for Road Traffic Victims.
Members of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety & Road Victims.
Members of the Victims' Rights Alliance in Ireland.
Represented on the board of FEVR and on the Victims committee of the Global Alliance for Road Victims.
Working to reduce road dangers and to provide free information and support to road traffic victims and to bereaved families.
Members of FEVR, the European Federation for Road Traffic Victims.
Members of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety & Road Victims.
Members of the Victims' Rights Alliance in Ireland.
Represented on the board of FEVR and on the Victims committee of the Global Alliance for Road Victims.